編修英文 (Copyediting Skills)

[ Exercise 27 ]

  1. The research institute modifies environmental technologies transferred from abroad for the local industrial sector.
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  2. Mathematicians heavily emphasize accurately predicting the boundary parameters.
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  3. The following section outlines how to install the software program.
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  4. Smith (1985) thoroughly described the environmental impact on the ozone layer.
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  5. Overpopulation contributes to rainforest depletion.
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  6. The urban planner must be aware of external factors that contribute to industrial pollution.
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  7. The two temperatures did not significantly vary.
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  8. All potential workplace hazards can not be forecasted.
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  9. The foreman does not need to assess the production capacity of the factory floor.
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  10. Carpooling can be arranged by a designated driver if commuters to the same workplace live near each other.
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  11. A decision about plans should not be made until a breakthrough in product development occurs.
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  12. Telecommunications technologies are expanding rapidly to satisfy the growing consumer demand.
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