編修英文 (Copyediting Skills)

    [ Exercise 8 ]

    1. Explaining the method to inexperienced engineers is difficult owing to its computational complexity. [ more >>> ]
      The original sentence is confusing because it is unclear who is explaining the method to the inexperienced engineers. Although the revised sentence still does not reveal who is explaining the method, the sentence is simplified by turning the noun (explanation) into a verb and putting the action towards the front of the sentence.
    2. This study simulates the program.[ more >>> ]
      Turning nouns into verbs greatly simplifies a sentence. Consider the following examples:
      The committee must make a consideration of the proposal.
      The committee must consider the proposal.

      The engineer performed calibration of the machine.
      The engineer calibrated the machine.

      The researcher conducted an experiment on the new material.
      The researcher experimented with the new material.

      The group has to make a discovery of all feasible options.
      The group must discover all feasible options.

      Other examples include
      give consideration to consider
      reach a conclusion conclude
      undertake an investigation of investigate
      make a provision for provide

    3. The deposition rate slightly increases.[ more >>> ]
      Although the original sentence is in active voice, the verb (occurs) does not express what the deposition rate does as clearly as the revised sentence when the noun (a slight increase) is turned into a verb.
    4. Novice engineers do not need to know how the variables are distributed. [ more >>> ]
      In addition to turning the subject (knowledge) into a verb, the revised sentence switches from passive to active voice.
    5. In addition to considering the variability of the control factors, the proposed procedure implements related tasks. [ more >>> ]
      Depending on the sentence's context, implement, execute, perform and promulgate can be used as alternatives to carry out.
    6. Schmee and Hahn (1990) recommended using iterative least squares (ILS) as a simple method for analyzing censored data. [ more >>> ]
      To increase word variety in a sentence, method, means, approach, and strategy can be used instead of always saying way.
    7. Simply calculating the scores normalizes operations. [ more >>> ]
      Turning two nouns into verbs and switching from passive to active voice greatly simplifies the sentence's meaning.
    8. Varying the control factors improves the condition.[ more >>> ]

    9. We recommend that the engineer simulate the program. [ more >>> ]
      Although the writer should be careful not to overuse First Person (We, I, My, Our) in a technical document, using "We" in the revised sentence is acceptable because an opinion is being expressed. Other common First Person expressions are "We believe", "We can infer", "We postulate", and "We hypothesize".
    10. The operator reserved the ticket for me. [ more >>> ]

    11. The system assigns the weights to the variables. [ more >>> ]

    12. The next phase examined the unknown factors. [ more >>> ]

    13. An instructor can assess a student's willingness to learn by examining his or her academic performance. [ more >>> ]

    14. Solving environmental problems heavily depends on how the local community responds to governmental legislation. [ more >>> ]
      Depending on the degree to what solving implies, alleviating, modifying, resolving, eliminating, and eradicating can be used instead.

    15. Conventional approaches can not promulgate accurate information to the public. [ more >>> ]