編修英文 (Copyediting Skills)

Exercise 201

Class Nine Avoid Overusing Sentences that Begin with It and There
避免過度使用It 及 There開頭句 (Exercises 16 to 19)

( Exercises 16 to 19 beginning on page 98 in An Editing Workbook for Chinese Technical Writers by Ted Knoy )

使用It 及 There 開頭的句子容易使文章語多累贅及曖昧不清。除非It 指的是先前句子所提特定的名詞,否則完全的避免 It is 的句型。數個由It is 開頭的句型應去除掉,因為他們對句意並沒幫助。如果不能完全省略去除掉這種句型,則應更為精簡的描述全句。

[ Exercise 16 ]

  1. It is possible that the price of a laser printer is higher than that of an ink jet printer.
  2. There is a need for limitation of the number of users by the systems manager.
  3. It is important that cooperation with each other be the focus of the study group.
  4. It could happen that a decision to cancel the exhibition is reached by the committee.
  5. There is a necessity for an agreement on the delivery terms by both parties.
  6. It is necessary that negotiations on the final conditions be undertaken by both sides immediately.
  7. It is critical that consideration is made by the systems manager on the current status of the program.
  8. It is crucial that assessment of the control strategy be performed by the site manager.
  9. It is imperative that arrangement of the class schedule be done by the academic advisor.
  10. It is not necessary for the coordination of the tasks to be the responsibility of the department manager.
  11. There is no need for the responsibility for all the assignments to be that of the team leader.
  12. There is no need for corrections of the tests to be done by the teacher.

[ Answers >>> ]