Editing for Conciseness and Clarity in an ESL Writing Class
Ted Knoy
National Tsing Hua University (Taiwan)
This article describes how ESL writers can
acquire basic copyediting skills through the identification
of areas of their writing which lack conciseness and clarity.
Despite the increasing number of non-native English speaking
authors submitting to international journals, manuscripts
continue to be rejected. This is often due to the poor quality
of written English contained within the articles, which in
turn can be attributed to the absence of copyediting skills
taught in ESL writing classes. More specifically, journal
editors and reviewers often cite the writer's inability to
(a) succinctly express his or her meaning (conciseness) and
(b) ensure that the intended meaning is not misconstrued through
the omission of ambiguity and obscurity (clarity) . Familiarization
with the Microsoft Word editing feature or manual copyediting
skills ensures efficiency. Based on these concerns, technical
writing class assignments at the Department of Computer Science,
National Tsing Hua University (Taiwan) are also described.
How to edit: a mouse or a red pen?
A computer mouse and a red pen both
have copyediting advantages . While using a mouse may be a
faster way to make and incorporate corrections into the final
text than using a red pen, some editors still prefer to usea
red pen. This is especially true when formats are used that
do not contain the convenient editing function or when the
author is not receptive to using such an editing function.
When deciding upon a correction method, the
editor should prioritize quality (i.e., the level of detailed
editing) and efficiency (i.e., time spent editing the text).
Therefore, students learning copyediting skills should be
taught both methods.
A simple modification of these notions was made by Smith et
al. for determination of the constructs.
Smith simply modified these notions to determine the constructs.
Revised with a mouse
Smith et al.
A simpley
modifiedcation of
these notions was made by Smith et al. ftor
determineation of
the constructs.
Revised with a red pen

For determination of the optimum conditions for the nominal-the-best
robust design problems, this work is conducted
to develop a simple procedure to do so.
This work develops a simple procedure to determine the optimum
conditions for the nominal-the-best robust design problems.
Revised with a mouse
This work develops a simple procedure tFor
determineation of
the optimum conditions for the nominal-the-best robust design
problems, this work is conducted to develop
a simple procedure to do so.
Revised with a pen

A continuous change of flexible manufacturing systems in a
dynamic environment occurs.
Flexible manufacturing systems continuously change in a dynamic
Revised with a mouse
A continuous change of fFlexible
manufacturing systems continuously change
in a dynamic environment occurs.
Revised with a pen
Copyediting suggestions for ESL writers
A. Conciseness
- Use active voice frequently
A simple way to delete the length
of a sentence and make it direct at the same time is to
frequently use the active voice. Switching from passive
voice to active voice often makes a sentence more direct,
concise and persuasive. Whereas sentences using passive
voice tend to be wordy or indecisive, sentences utilizing
active voice make the technical document more immediate
and concise. Consider the following examples:
Modification of the heuristics was made by Lacksonen and
Enscore (1993) to solve the dynamic layout problem.
Lacksonen and Enscore(1993) modified the heuristics to solve
the dynamic layout problem.
Precise measurement of neural networks by practitioners
a heavy emphasis of computer vision systems.
Computer vision systems heavily emphasize that practitioners
precisely measure computer vision systems.
The manager can be assisted by the proposed model so that
the order size can be precisely determined.
The proposed model can assist the manager in precisely determining
the order size.
Objective assessment of the workplace is required by the
The supervisor must objectively assess the workplace.
- Use verbs instead of nouns
Wordiness also comes from creating
nouns out of verbs (known as nominalizations), subsequently
This tendency leads to weak verbs. In addition, overuse
of nouns instead of verbs also creates needless prepositions.
Consider the following examples:
Difficulty is encountered in explanation of the method to
inexperienced engineers owing to its computational complexity.
Explaining the method to inexperienced engineers is difficult
owing to its computational complexity.
Knowledge of how the variables are distributed is not required
by novice engineers
Novice engineers do not need to know how the variables are
Not only is the variability of the control factors considered
by the proposed procedure, but implementation of related
tasks is performed.
In addition to considering the variability of the control
factors, the proposed procedure implements related tasks.
Normalization of operations is achieved by a simple calculation
of the scores.
Simply calculating the scores normalizes operations.
- Create strong verbs
Some verbs are weak in that they do
not express a specific action. In contrast to using such
weak verbs, a writer should use strong verbs such as
is, are, was, were, has, give, make, come and take
that imply a clear action. Consider the following examples:
The guideline makes it specific that all parties will be
notified by the proper authorities when a problem arises.
The guideline specifies that the proper authorities will
notify all parties when a problem arises.
The different groups have to reach an agreement on how to
make an
adjustment of the figures.
The different groups must agree on how to adjust the figures.
The machine operator conducts transportation of the auto
parts to the assembly line.
The machine operator transports the auto parts to the assembly
The machine operator conducts transportation of the auto
parts to the assembly line.
The machine operator transports the auto parts to the assembly
- Avoid sentences beginning with It
and There
Another form of wordiness and ambiguity is sentences beginning
with There and It. Unless It refers
to a specific noun in the previous sentence, omit It
is entirely. Consider the following examples:
There can be little doubt that ink jet printers have a higher
per-page cost than laser printers.
Ink jet printers undoubtedly have a higher per-page cost
than laser printers.
It is important to develop a more effective approach to
solve the complicated problem.
A more effective approach must be developed to solve the
complicated problem.
There is increasing evidence that supports the role of protein
in prolonging life.
Increasing evidence supports the role of protein in prolonging
It is necessary to examine exactly how nutrition affects
Exactly how nutrition affects growth must be examined.
- Delete redundant and needless phrases.
Many technical documents are cluttered with redundant or
needless phrases that can be either deleted entirely or
expressed more simply. The writer should try to avoid needless
and redundant words and phrases that only make the sentence
lengthy. Consider the following examples:
It is recommended by us that the trackball be selected on
the occasion of purchasing a user interface device of this
We recommend selecting the trackball when purchasing a user
interface device of this type.
The trackball is deficient of the mobility that a mouse
has despite the fact that the trackball requires less hand
movement than the mouse.
The trackball lacks the mobility of a mouse although the
former requires less hand movement than the latter.
The web browser in all cases gives consideration to the
user's needs in a situation in which he or she is away from
the office.
The web browser always considers the user's needs when he
or she is away from the office.
B. Clarity
- Ensure subject and verb agreement
Subject and verb disagreement not
only creates confusion over how many people, places or objects
are involved, but also gives the sentence a faulty logic.
A major reason for subject-verb disagreement is failing
to recognize the subject and the verb. Consider the following
Either the collected data set or two additional outputs
was used to construct a neural network model.
Either the collected data set or two additional outputs
were used to construct a neural network model.
The research assistant and the doctoral candidate are the
same person.
The research assistant and the doctoral candidate is the
same person.
Physics make most first year doctoral students nervous.
Physics makes most first year doctoral students nervous.
The acoustics in the auditorium is excellent.
The acoustics in the auditorium are excellent.
- Ensure that pronoun references are
clear in meaning
Readers become confused when the sentences
they are reading contain pronouns that do not have a clear
antecedent. An antecedent is what a pronoun is referring
to. Many problems can arise when a pronoun does not refer
to a clear antecedent. Consider the following examples:
When a decision reaches the final stage, it must be implemented
When reaching the final stage, a decision must be implemented
A decision must be implemented promptly when reaching the
final stage.
No adjustment factors exist if (C1) is violated, which implies
that the
transformation approach can be implemented.
The fact that no adjustment factors exist if (C1) is violated
implies that the transformation approach can be implemented.
No adjustment factors exist if (C1) is violated, implying
that the transformation approach can be implemented.
No adjustment factors exist if (C1) is violated; this violation
implies that the transformation can be implemented.
Driving a car and talking on a cellular phone at the same
time is dangerous; this could cause an accident.
Driving a car and talking on a cellular phone at the same
time is dangerous; this habit could cause an accident.
- Create sentences parallel in structure
and meaning
Parallelism in writing means that all parts of a sentence
must have a similar construction. Consider the following
The numerical example concentrates mainly on illustration
of the cases derived in the previous section and demonstrating
the effectiveness of the proposed model.
The numerical example illustrates the cases derived in the
previous section and demonstrates the effectiveness of the
proposed model.
The committee made a decision to set a new agenda and that
the meeting should be adjourned.
The committee decided to set a new agenda and adjourn the
The robust design focuses not only on collecting data accumulated
from the designed experiment, but also that the results
obtained by using Taguchi's two-step procedure are compared.
The robust design focuses not only on collecting data accumulated
from the designed experiment, but also on comparing the
results obtained by using Taguchi's two-step procedure.
The proposed project is promising, creative, and has innovative
The proposed project is promising, creative, and innovative.
- Eliminate modifier problems
As a word, phrase, or clause, a modifier describes another
word, phrase, or clause. The reader becomes confused when
the modifying clause or phrase is not next to the word it
modifies. This often creates a gap between the author's
intended meaning and what is actually written. Consider
the following examples:
To keep in shape, exercise is a must for an athlete.
An athlete must exercise to keep in shape.
When an engineer, customer satisfaction should be attempted.
An engineer should attempt to satisfy the customer.
After simulating a real environment, a consensus was reached.
After the researchers simulated a real environment, a consensus
was reached.
Being radioactive, the technician handled the materials
with extreme care.
The technician handled the radioactive materials with extreme
- Double check for faulty comparisons
and omissions
Sentences that contain comparisons that are illogical and
incomplete create further ambiguity in technical writing.
Editors must also recognize words that have been carelessly
omitted. Consider the following examples:
Our algorithm is more accurate with respect to computational
Our algorithm is more accurate than conventional ones with
respect to computational time.
The chemistry department cooperates with local industry
more than their department.
The chemistry department cooperates with local industry
more than their department does.
The novel material is as strong, if not stronger than, available
The novel material is as strong as, if not stronger than,
available ones.
The research department's productivity is higher than the
administrative division.
The research department's productivity is higher than that
of the administrative division.
- Avoid unnecessary shifts in a sentence
Another obstacle to clarity in technical writing is unnecessary
shifts in subject, tense, voice and mood.
Communicators must share a common language or protocol so
that we can easily understand each other.
Communicators must share a common language or protocol so
that they can easily understand each other.
A computer mouse needs some available workspace and even
the beginning user can operate them with very little difficulty.
A computer mouse needs some available workspace and even
the beginning user can operate one with very little difficulty.
Execute the program commands and the iteration steps must
Execute the program commands and repeat the iteration steps.
The supervisor asked her employees if the assignment was
ready and could it be handed in tomorrow.
The supervisor asked her employees if the assignment was
ready and could be handed in tomorrow.
Related assignments in an ESL technical writing class
In addition to instructing graduate
students on how to organize research papers and prepare for
publication, the technical writing course (asynchronous distance
learning) offered at the Department of Computer Science, National
Tsing Hua University (Taiwan) stresses the instruction of
basic copyediting skills introduced in the previous section.
As part of their homework, students must complete twenty seven
conciseness-related and twenty eight clarity-related copyediting
ESL writers should not be expected to edit a manuscript as
thoroughly as would a native English-speaking editor. However,
basic copyediting skills should be incorporated into ESL writing
curricula to ensure conciseness and clarity. Through this
gradual process, the gap between expectations and ability
can be closed.
Knoy, Ted (2000) An
Editing Workbook for Chinese Technical Writers Hsinchu,
Taiwan C Web Technology.
Knoy, Ted Knoy (2000) Advanced Copyediting
Practice for Chinese Technical Writers Hsinchu, Taiwan
C Web Technology.