Exercise 110
Purpose: Asking academic questions beginning with “Which” on one’s personal qualities relevant to study/描述與學習有關的個人特質


1. Which factor ____ you believe is essential to success in academic studies?

A. does
B. are
C. do 


2. Which personal quality do you think is the most important for graduate study?

A. for  
B. on
C. by

3. Which of your personal strengths ____ helped you in academic studies the most?
A. has
B. have  
C. are

4. Do you remain abreast ____ the latest technological trends in your field?

A. for
B.  with
C. of

5. Which factors influenced your decision _____ pursue a graduate degree in Medical Technology?

A. for
B. to 
C. by


6. Which person ____ inspired you the most to be a high achiever?

A. has 
B. have
C. did

7. Which obstacles have you overcome to succeed ____ academics?

A. for
B.  with
C. in

8. Which teacher challenged you the most to strive ____ academic excellence?
A. with
B.  for 
C. of  

9. Which activities have you participated ____ which you contributed to a group effort?

A. in 
B. from
C. by


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2. Further practice can be found in Unit 6 of  Writing Effective Study Plans  by Ted Knoy.