Exercise 111

Asking academic questions beginning with “Why” on one’s

personal qualities relevant to study 

/ 描述與學習有關的個人特質


1. Why is your personality suitable _____ graduate study?

A. on
B. for 
C. with


2. Why are you able to interact ______ individuals from diverse backgrounds?

A. with   
B. to
C. on

3. Why can you easily accommodate yourself ____ new circumstances?
A. for
B. to
C. are

4. Why do you feel highly competent ____ collaborating with others in a group?

A. on
B.  in 
C. to

5. Why are you able _____ assess different situations rationally?

A. when
B. for
C. to 


6. Why do you believe that you can rise ____ the challenges of graduate school?

A. for
B. to
C. in

7. Why do you believe that you possess the skills necessary to thrive ___ graduate school?

A. to
B.  by
C. in 

8.  Why did you have many opportunities to collaborate ____ others during undergraduate school?
A. with  
B.  on
C. to


9. Why were you able to occasionally meet __ entrepreneurs during university?

A. with 
B. from
C. by


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2. Further practice can be found in Unit 6 of  Writing Effective Study Plans  by Ted Knoy.