Exercise 126

Asking academic questions beginning with “Why” when recommending a student for study (Part B): Personal qualities of the candidate that are relevant to Graduate Study and Closing

學術方面問題 /撰寫推薦信函 ( B 部份 ) 被推薦人與進階學習有關的個人特質及信函結尾


1. Why does Professor Lin believe that the opportunity to pursue advanced study ____ MIT's graduate program will benefit you?

A. at
B. in 
C. for

2. Why does Professor Lin believe you have selected nursing as your career ___  choice?

A. with
B. for
C. of 

3.  Why is Professor Lin confident ____ your ability to conduct independent research?

A. for
B. of
C. in

4. Why does Professor not hesitate in recommending you ____ admissions into MIT’s graduate program?

A. for
B. at
C. with

5.  Why does Professor Lin believe ______ your analytical skills are exemplary?

A. for
B. which
C. that

6.  Why ___ Professor Li encourage the admissions committee to contact her?

A. does
B. is
C. has

7. Why ____ you never ceased to amaze Professor Li?

A. do
B. have 
C. had

8. Why have you left such a deep impression ____ Professor Li?

A. on
B. for
C. in

9.   Why ____ Professor Lin believe that you are a highly promising candidate for graduate study?

A. is
B. does 
C. do

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2. Further practice can be found in Unit 10 of  Writing Effective Study Plans  by Ted Knoy.