編修英文 (Copyediting Skills)


Exercise 174

Purpose: Selecting concise words and expressions /選擇精確用字及描述

1. Which word(s) is more concise in meaning than ”on the basis of”?
A. strategy
B. across
C. because


2. Which word(s) is more concise in meaning than “on the basis of”?
A. means
B. by
C. equality

3. Which word(s) is more concise in meaning than ”notwithstanding the fact that”?
A. efficient
B. method
C. although

4. Which word(s) is more concise in meaning than ”manner in which”?
A. how
B. from
C. where

5. Which word(s) is more concise in meaning than ”make inquiry regarding”?
A. casual
B. encouraging
C. ask about

6. Which word(s) is more concise in meaning than ”make inquiry regarding”?
A. conduct
B. inquire about
C. equalize

7. Which word(s) is more concise in meaning than ”it is possible that”?
A. pertinent
B. possible
C. may

8. Which word(s) is more concise in meaning than ”it is possible that”?
A. might
B. aspire
C. sympathize

9. Which word(s) is more concise in meaning than ”it is possible that”?
A. illustrate
B. could
C. aim

10. Which word(s) is more concise in meaning than ”it is possible that”?
A. aspires
B. strives
C. can

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Additional word alternatives can be found in Unit 6 of An Editing Workbook for Chinese Technical Writers by Ted Knoy.

For more vocabulary building practice, view the accompanying Power Point presentations.
