
Writing Effective Career Statements 有效撰寫英文職涯經歷

Introducing professional and /or research experiences / 介紹研究及工作經驗


I. Pre-Listening Exercise [Top]

Check the meanings of the following words and expressions:

  • committed to
  • deep concern for
  • patients’ welfare
  • colleagues and superiors
  • commend
  • feel overwhelmed by
  • emerge
  • adopted
  • continually increase one's expertise
  • basic quality of life
  • repair
  • remaining optimistic
  • increasingly competitive

II. Listening Exercise [Top]
1. Listen to the conversation by pressing the "Play" button and then answering the following questions. Press the "Final score" button to check your quiz results.

1. Why does Bill want to continually increase his expertise?
A. to remain optimistic when interacting with others
B. to ensure that his patients can maintain a basic quality of life
C. to repair nuclear medicine machinery
2. Why has Bill’s colleagues and superiors commended him many times on his responsible attitude?
A. commitment to his many patients
B. knowledge of how to repair nuclear medicine machinery
C. because of his deep concern for patients’ welfare
3. What kind of attitude do Bill's colleagues and superiors believe that he has?
A. an optimistic one
B. a responsible one
C. a competitive one
4. What does Bill believe is important for his patients to maintain?
A. an optimistic attitude
B. a responsible attitude
C. a basic quality of life
5. What profession does Bill belong to?
A. the medical profession
B. the hi tech profession
C. the biotechnology profession

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2. Listen to the story again as you read the audiotranscript.

III. Post-Listening Exercise [Top]
1. Read the audiotranscript with a partner or change some of the information to adapt it to your situation.

2. Write a paragraph that expresses your interest in a profession. View the accompanying Power Point presentation on details of how to write this assignment.

3. Write four questions beginning with “Why” to ask someone about their interest in a profession and then answer them. The question does not have to come directly come from the listening exercise.
Example: Why have Bill's colleagues and superiors commended him many times on your responsible attitude?
Answer: his deep concern for patients’ welfare
Example: Why is Bill similar to most medical professionals?
Answer: because he feels overwhelmed by the rapid rate at which new medical technologies emerge
