Check the meanings of the following words and expressions:
As you are well aware
widely attended exhibitions
budget constraints
preliminary program schedule
program schedule
positive reply
1. How did Mary become intrigued with the area of exhibition management skills? A. by allocating exhibition booths, constructing the booths, forwarding materials, and making travel arrangements B. while recently perusing the website of Dr. Kandinsky’s association C. by experiencing the difference between Asian and European cultures
2. When did Mary coordinate several exhibitions at PIDA? A. while studying a master’s degree
B. while attempting to solve problems, such as tightening budget constraints
C. while working for CMP Taiwan
3. How many visitors does Computex have annually? A. 50,000
B. 300,000
C. 150,000
4. In what area does Mary lack expertise in management?
A. exhibition management skills B. tightening budget constraints C. planning and budgeting
5. Why does Mary feel that the preliminary program schedule on the Internet that includes a guide to the exhibited technologies is unnecessary?
A. since all of the participants are senior professionals in this field
B. since she has recently been transferred to the Exhibition Department as Chief Operations Manager
C. since such events will be of greatest benefit to the participants
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Post-Listening Exercise
Write a letter to request information (資訊請求信函) by including the following contents:
1. Explaining why contact was made to request
information 解釋請求資訊的目地
2. Summarizing one’s academic or professional
experiences 說明學術專業經驗
Refer to additional examples of correspondence at