求職英文 (Employment Applications)

Exercise 63
I. Pre-Listening Exercise
II. Listening Exercise
III. Post-Listening Exercise


Describing the field or industry that one's profession belongs / 興趣相關產業描寫


I. Pre-Listening Exercise [Top]

Check the meanings of the following words and expressions:

  • electronics industry
  • a decade ago
  • globally competitive
  • assembling
  • product components
  • dominated
  • vital
  • CPU
  • chipset
  • devoted itself to
  • complex
  • generate
  • a sizable share
  • extended their product lines
  • high added value
  • IC design research
  • moving in the right direction

II. Listening Exercise [Top]
1. Listen to the conversation by pressing the "Play" button and then answering the following questions. Press the "Final score" button to check your quiz results.

1. When did Taiwan’s electronics industry become globally competitive?
A. more than a decade ago
B. only a decade ago
C. less than a decade ago

2. What has allowed electronics firms in Taiwan to generate considerable product revenues?
A. the ability to capture a sizable share of the global market
B. the ability to design complex chips
C. the ability to have a high added value for its products

3. What has largely determined Jack’s decision to undertake IC design research?
A. the exciting trends in the telecommunications industry in Taiwan
B. the exciting trends in the electronics industry in Taiwan
C. the exciting trends in wireless communications in Taiwan

4. What area in telecommunications has Taiwanese companies extended their product lines to that Matt is interested in?
A. integrated circuits
B. wafer chips
C. wireless communications

5. What is Jack confident of?
A. that Taiwanese companies will have a high added value in wireless communications
B. that he is moving in the right direction
C. that Taiwanese electronics firms can extend their product lines to telecommunications

Score =

2. Listen to the story again as you read the audiotranscript.

III. Post-Listening Exercise [Top]
1. Read the audiotranscript with a partner or change some of the information to adapt it to your situation.

2. Write a paragraph that describes the field or industry that your profession belongs. View the accompanying Power Point presentation on details of how to write this assignment.

3. Write four questions beginning with “What” to ask someone about the field or industry that that their profession belongs to and then answer them. The question does not have to come directly come from the listening exercise.
Example: What is Jack confident of?
Answer: That he is moving in the right direction
Example: What are some of the latest technological developments in your field?
Answer: the development of wireless technologies such as Bluetooth

