求職英文 (Employment Applications)

Exercise 70
I. Pre-Listening Exercise
II. Listening Exercise
III. Post-Listening Exercise


Describing academic background and achievements / 描述學歷背景及已獲成就


I. Pre-Listening Exercise [Top]

Check the meanings of the following words and expressions:

  • premier
  • solid background
  • departmental curricula
  • absorb
  • fundamental
  • wireless
  • Local Area Network (LAN)
  • communication skills
  • analytical
  • experimentation
  • view
  • bottlenecks in research
  • setbacks
  • perseverance
  • competitive edge

II. Listening Exercise [Top]
1. Listen to the conversation by pressing the "Play" button and then answering the following questions. Press the "Final score" button to check your quiz results.

1. What did Max aim to develop while participating in a National Science Council-sponsored research project?
A. an analytical system for Electronics Engineering
B. a wireless Local Area Network
C. fundamental laboratory practices

2. What was Max able to foster while participating in the research effort during graduate school?
A. his patience and perseverance
B. his practical laboratory experiences
C. his analytical and experimentation skills

3. How was Max able to enhance his communication skills?
A. by collaborating in a research team
B. by increasing his patience and perseverance with other collaborators
C. by absorbing fundamental knowledge and obtaining practical laboratory experiences

4. What does Max believe will give him a competitive edge in the workplace?
A. his patience and perseverance
B. his solid academic training
C. his fundamental research skills

5. Which word is the most similar in meaning to “perseverance”?
A. optimism
B. creative
C. insistence

Score =

2. Listen to the story again as you read the audiotranscript.

III. Post-Listening Exercise [Top]
1. Read the audiotranscript with a partner or change some of the information to adapt it to your situation.

2. Write a paragraph that describes your academic background and achievements. View the accompanying Power Point presentation on details of how to write this assignment.

3. Write four questions beginning with “Which” to ask someone about their academic background and achievements and then answer them. The question does not have to come directly come from the listening exercise.
Example: Which National Science Council-sponsored research project did Max participate in?
Answer: One aimed at developing a wireless Local Area Network (LAN).
Example: Which courses did you audit in university?
Answer: Courses in accounting and economics
