Exercise 89

Asking academic questions beginning with “Which” on one’s interest in a field of study

學術方面問題 / 表達學習領域興趣

1. Which university ____ you hope to pursue a Ph.D. in Computer Science?

A. are
B. does
C. do        


2. Which field of research ____ you study during graduate school?

A. am
B. did       
C. are

3. Which topic ______ you research during graduate school?

A. is
B. are
C. did        

4. Which topic ____ you fascinated with?
A. are           
B. have
C. is

5. Which topic _____ you interested in researching during your graduate studies?
A. have
B. is
C. are   

6. Which department at Yuan Pei University of Science and Technology ______ you acquire a bachelor's degree?
A. have
B. are
C. did           

7. Which university _____  one of Taiwan's premier institutes of higher learning?
A. is                 
B. were
C. are

8.  Which degree _______ you near completion?

A. is
B. have
C. are     

9. Which university _______  you receive a master's degree?

A. have
B. did           
C. is

10.  Which university _________ you obtain a bachelor's degree?

A. are
B. was
C. did    

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2. Further practice can be found in Unit 1 of  Writing Effective Study Plans  by Ted Knoy.