Exercise 94

Asking academic questions beginning with “Which” on one’s  current knowledge of a field of study

 學術方面問題 / 展現已有的學習領域知識

1. Which factor motivates you the most to pursue a graduate degree _____ International Finance?

A. of
B. at
C. in 


2. Which career are you interested in pursuing _____ you complete a degree in International Finance?

A. after 
B. during
C. on

3. Which topic are you interested in researching __________ graduate school?

A.  of
B. by
C. during   

4. Which field are you interested _____   acquiring a graduate degree?

A. in 
B.  for

C. on

5. Which country is undergoing rapid changes ___ regulation and innovation?

A. of
B. in   
C. for 

6. Which focus have you decided to concentrate ____ while pursuing a graduate degree in International Finance?

A. for
B. with
C. on 

7. Which topic in international trade are you the most familiar _________?

A. for
B. with   
C. to

8.  Which career direction do you want to take _____ completing a graduate degree in International Finance?

A. after
B. for
C. to

9. Which university do you want to pursue a graduate degree ____ International Finance?

A. of
B. with
C. in


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2. Further practice can be found in Unit 2 of  Writing Effective Study Plans  by Ted Knoy.