閱讀技巧 (Reading Comprehension)


Exercise 271
Purpose: Increasing reading comprehension skills /加強閱讀技巧

Listen to the following story from Writing Effective Study Plans by Ted Knoy:

Pick the work or expression whose meaning is closest to the meaning of the underlined word or expression in the following passages.



1.        Since childhood, May has dreamed of a world free of pollution and, as a result, has become an environmentally conscious individual.

A.       expounded on

B.        fervently hoped for

C.         neglected


2.      Since childhood, May has dreamed of a world free of pollution and, as a result, has become an environmentally conscious individual.

A.       rejuvenated by

B.        constrained by

C.         unimpeded by 


3.      Since childhood, May has dreamed of a world free of pollution and, as a result, has become an environmentally conscious individual.

A.       aware of topics that affect the earth

B.        aware of topics that affect the ocean

C.         aware of topics that affect global economics


4.      The strong research fundamentals acquired during her undergraduate years at National Cheng Chi University have prepared her for advanced study in Public Administration.

A.       blueprints

B.        principles

C.         game plan


5.      The strong research fundamentals acquired during her undergraduate years at National Cheng Chi University have prepared her for advanced study in Public Administration.

A.  deferred

B.        attained 

C.         postponed


6.      The strong research fundamentals acquired during her undergraduate years at National Cheng Chi University have prepared her for advanced study in Public Administration.

A.       four years of study in university to attain a bachelor’s degree 

B.        two years of study in university to acquire a master’s degree

C.         four years of study in university to obtain a doctorate degree


7.      Her graduate school research will hopefully center on how the government can implement environmentally friendly practices.

A.       advanced study after receiving one’s junior college degree

B.        advanced study after acquiring one’s vocational school degree

C.         advanced study after acquiring one’s bachelor’s degree


8.      Her graduate school research will hopefully center on how the government can implement environmentally friendly practices.

A.       concentrate on 

B.        speculate on

C.         diffuse


9.      Her graduate school research will hopefully center on how the government can implement environmentally friendly practices.

A.       charm

B.        initiate

C.         carry out 


10. Her graduate school research will hopefully center on how the government can implement environmentally friendly practices.

A.       ways of investing safely

B.        ways of protecting the environment

C.  ways of accelerating industrial expansion


11.   Furthermore, she plans to identify those governmental measures that are vital to Taiwan's industrial sector.

A.       pinpoint 

B.        conceal

C.  disregard


12. Furthermore, she plans to identify those governmental measures that are vital to Taiwan's industrial sector.

A.       fines levied by the government

B.        incentives provided by the government

C.  actions taken by the government


13. Furthermore, she plans to identify those governmental measures that are vital to Taiwan's industrial sector.

A.       insignificant

B.        trivial

C.  important 


14. Moreover, she intends to actively participate in developing environmental protection laws for Taiwan.

A.       aims 

B.        pledges

C.  prefers


15. Moreover, she intends to actively participate in developing environmental protection laws for Taiwan.

A.       lethargically

B.        energetically 

C.  passively


16. Moreover, she intends to actively participate in developing environmental protection laws for Taiwan.

A.  refrain from

B.      engage in 

C.     abstain from



17. Moreover, she intends to actively participate in developing environmental protection laws for Taiwan.

A.       defending the environment 

B.        examining the environment

C.  analyzing the environment


Score =

Additional practice can be found in  Writing Effective Study Plans by Ted Knoy for some of these definitions.

View the accompanying Power Point presentation on details of how to write this paragraph.

