閱讀技巧 (Reading Comprehension)


Exercise 277
Purpose: Increasing reading comprehension skills /加強閱讀技巧

Listen to the following story from Writing Effective Study Plans by Ted Knoy:

Pick the work or expression whose meaning is closest to the meaning of the underlined word or expression in the following passages.



1.        Taiwan's economy has flourished in recent decades, as evidenced by rapid industrial expansion and market deregulation.

A.        thrived 

B.         retracted

C.         stagnated


2.      Taiwan's economy has flourished in recent decades, as evidenced by rapid industrial expansion and market deregulation.

A.        every five years

B.         every ten years 

C.         every fifteen years


3.      Taiwan's economy has flourished in recent decades, as evidenced by rapid industrial expansion and market deregulation.

A.        as demonstrated by 

B.         as developed by

C.         as created by


4.      Taiwan's economy has flourished in recent decades, as evidenced by rapid industrial expansion and market deregulation.

A.        retarded

B.         snail-paced

C.         swift 


5.      Taiwan's economy has flourished in recent decades, as evidenced by rapid industrial expansion and market deregulation.

A.        retraction

B.         existence

C.         enlargement 


6.      Although the island escaped the Asian economic turmoil of the late 1990s relatively unscathed, a surging gross domestic product as well as an increasing emphasis on environmental issues has strained entrepreneurial development.

A.        shielded

B.         fled

C.         protected

7.      Although the island escaped the Asian economic turmoil of the late 1990s relatively unscathed, a surging gross domestic product as well as an increasing emphasis on environmental issues has strained entrepreneurial development.

A.        incline

B.         harmony

C.         chaos 


8.      Although the island escaped the Asian economic turmoil of the late 1990s relatively unscathed, a surging gross domestic product as well as an increasing emphasis on environmental issues has strained entrepreneurial development.

A.        unhurt 

B.         wounded

C.         bruised


9.      Although the island escaped the Asian economic turmoil of the late 1990s relatively unscathed, a surging gross domestic product as well as an increasing emphasis on environmental issues has strained entrepreneurial development.

A.        receding

B.         gushing 

C.         declining


10.  Although the island escaped the Asian economic turmoil of the late 1990s relatively unscathed, a surging gross domestic product as well as an increasing emphasis on environmental issues has strained entrepreneurial development.

A.        total amount of revenue generated for a country

B.         total amount of revenue generated for a country following subtraction of debt

C.         total amount of revenue generated and debts for a country


11.   Although the island escaped the Asian economic turmoil of the late 1990s relatively unscathed, a surging gross domestic product as well as an increasing emphasis on environmental issues has strained entrepreneurial development.

A.        illusion

B.         decoy

C.         focus 


12. Although the island escaped the Asian economic turmoil of the late 1990s relatively unscathed, a surging gross domestic product as well as an increasing emphasis on environmental issues has strained entrepreneurial development.

A.        entrenched

B.         weakened 

C.         consolidated


13. Although the island escaped the Asian economic turmoil of the late 1990s relatively unscathed, a surging gross domestic product as well as an increasing emphasis on environmental issues has strained entrepreneurial development.

A.        societal

B.         governmental

C.         commercial 


14. Growing up in such an economically dynamic environment has motivated Nancy's interest in researching the way in which domestic companies can compete with multinational corporations and how the Taiwan government can adjust financial market strategies to enhance local competitiveness.

A.        vibrant 

B.         lackluster

C.         mediocre


15. Growing up in such an economically dynamic environment has motivated Nancy's interest in researching the way in which  domestic companies can compete with multinational corporations and how the Taiwan government can adjust financial market strategies to enhance local competitiveness.

A.        strangled

B.         decelerated

C.         spurred 


16. Growing up in such an economically dynamic environment has motivated Nancy's interest in researching the way in which domestic companies can compete with multinational corporations and how the Taiwan government can adjust financial market strategies to enhance local competitiveness.

A.        municipal

B.         national 

C.         international

17. Growing up in such an economically dynamic environment has motivated Nancy's interest in researching the way in which domestic companies can compete with multinational corporations and how the Taiwan government can adjust financial market strategies to enhance local competitiveness.

A.        rival

B.         cooperate with

C.         collaborate with

18. Growing up in such an economically dynamic environment has motivated Nancy's interest in researching the way in which domestic companies can compete with multinational corporations and how the Taiwan government can adjust financial market strategies to enhance local competitiveness.

A.        shudder

B.         protest

C.  acclimate  

19. Growing up in such an economically dynamic environment has motivated Nancy's interest in researching the way in which domestic companies can compete with multinational corporations and how the Taiwan government can adjust financial market strategies to enhance local competitiveness. 

A.        upgrade 

B.         scale down

C.  retract 

20.              Moreover, as Taiwan faces the reconstruction of its financial markets, identifying appropriate deregulations is essential.    

A.        refrain from

B.         retract

C.         confront 

21. Moreover, as Taiwan faces the reconstruction of its financial markets, identifying appropriate deregulations is essential. 

A. condition

B. renovation 

C. creation 

22.              Moreover, as Taiwan faces the reconstruction of its financial markets, identifying appropriate deregulations is essential.

A. inadequate 

B. suitable

C. shoddy   


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Additional practice can be found in  Writing Effective Study Plans by Ted Knoy for some of these definitions.

View the accompanying Power Point presentation on details of how to write this paragraph.

