閱讀技巧 (Reading Comprehension)


Exercise 280
Purpose: Increasing reading comprehension skills /加強閱讀技巧

Listen to the following story from Writing Effective Study Plans by Ted Knoy:

Pick the work or expression whose meaning is closest to the meaning of the underlined word or expression in the following passages.



1.                The departmental curricula provided him with a theoretical and practical understanding of industrial occupations, especially those in the electronics, telecommunications and semiconductor industries.

A.             documentation

B.              courses 

C.              conferences

2.              The departmental curricula provided him with a theoretical and practical understanding of industrial occupations, especially those in the electronics, telecommunications and semiconductor industries.

A.             hypothetical 

B.              practical

C.              realistic


3.              The departmental curricula provided him with a theoretical and practical understanding of industrial occupations, especially those in the electronics, telecommunications and semiconductor industries.

A.             abstract

B.              transcendental

C.              handy 


4.              The departmental curricula provided him with a theoretical and practical understanding of industrial occupations, especially those in the electronics, telecommunications and semiconductor industries.

A.             experts

B.              careers 

C.              temporary work


5.              Moreover, courses such as Quality Control and Factory Automation were particularly helpful in fostering his ability to solve problems logically.

A.             inhibitive

B.              preventive

C.              facilitative 


6.              Moreover, courses such as Quality Control and Factory Automation were particularly helpful in fostering his ability to solve problems logically.

A.             developing 

B.              eradicating

C.              alleviating


7.              Moreover, courses such as Quality Control and Factory Automation were particularly helpful in fostering his ability to solve problems logically.

A.             prematurely

B.              juvenille

C.              intelligently 


8.              In addition, John served as a research assistant in a National Science Council sponsored project on factory automation in Taiwan.

A.             presided over

B.              acted as 

C.              was responsible for


9.              In addition, John served as a research assistant in a National Science Council sponsored project on factory automation in Taiwan.

A.             created by

B.              opposed to

C.              guaranteed by


10.        Theoretical knowledge and practical laboratory experiences fostered his interest in this field of study even though limited resources and facilities prevented him from an in depth investigation.

A.             nurtured 

B.              avoided

C.              avenged


11.          Theoretical knowledge and practical laboratory experiences fostered his interest in this field of study even though limited resources and facilities prevented him from an in depth investigation.

A.             lack of respect for

B.              disinterest in

C.              thirst for knowledge


12.        Theoretical knowledge and practical laboratory experiences fostered his interest in this field of study even though limited resources and facilities prevented him from an in depth investigation.

A.             liabilities

B.              assets 

C.              deficits


13.        Theoretical knowledge and practical laboratory experiences fostered his interest in this field of study even though limited resources and facilities prevented him from an in depth investigation.

A.             exhaustive 

B.              preliminary

C.              exploratory


14.        He also served as a teaching assistant for a course in quality management, which gave him a further glimpse into the dynamic nature of industry-related research.

A.             A long glare

B.              an intense stare

C.              a brief look 


15.        He also served as a teaching assistant for a course in quality management, which gave him a further glimpse into the dynamic nature of industry-related research.

A.             energetic 

B.              lackluster

C.              monotonous


Score =

Additional practice can be found in  Writing Effective Study Plans by Ted Knoy for some of these definitions.

View the accompanying Power Point presentation on details of how to write this paragraph.

