閱讀技巧 (Reading Comprehension)


Exercise 289
Purpose: Increasing reading comprehension skills /加強閱讀技巧

Listen to the following story from Writing Effective Study Plans by Ted Knoy:

Pick the work or expression whose meaning is closest to the meaning of the underlined word or expression in the following passages.



1.  Serving as the public relations chairperson of a fundraising campaign for global hunger was a turning point in Sally's decision to pursue a career in marketing.

A.             raising capital 

B.              raising retail prices

C.              raising wholesale prices


2.  Serving as the public relations chairperson of a fundraising campaign for global hunger was a turning point in Sally's decision to pursue a career

in marketing.

A.             steady supply of food worldwide

B.              lack of food worldwide 

C.              abundance of food worldwide


3.  Serving as the public relations chairperson of a fundraising campaign for global hunger was a turning point in Sally's decision to pursue a career in marketing.

A.             marginal point

B.              uneventful point

C.              decisive point 


4.              This challenging work broadened her horizons by allowing her to coordinate a large scale marketing and promotion project for a good cause.

A.             comforting

B.              stringent 

C.              relaxing


5.              This challenging work broadened her horizons by allowing her to coordinate a large scale marketing and promotion project for a good cause.

A. define her limits

B. narrow down her interests

C. increase her opportunities 


6.              This challenging work broadened her horizons by allowing her to coordinate a large scale marketing and promotion project for a good cause.

A.             oversee 

B.              deconstruct

C.              devise


7.              This challenging work broadened her horizons by allowing her to coordinate a large scale marketing and promotion project for a good cause.

A.             a profit making occasion

B.              a charitable occasion

C.              an investment opportunity


8.               Taiwan lacks individuals with both hands on experience and sufficient knowledge skills to market products in an integrated and efficient manner.

A.             practical 

B.              theoretical

C.              abstract


9.              Taiwan lacks individuals with both hands on experience and sufficient knowledge skills to market products in an integrated and efficient manner.

A.             excessive

B.              Abundant

C.              adequate 


10.        Taiwan lacks individuals with both hands on experience and sufficient knowledge skills to market products in an integrated and efficient manner.

A.             Independent

B.              coordinated

C.              asynchronous


11.          Taiwan lacks individuals with both hands on experience and sufficient knowledge skills to market products in an integrated and efficient manner.

A.             approach 

B.              order

C.              document


12.        This need has inspired Sally to pursue an advanced degree in Marketing Management in the United States.

A.             harassed

B.              pressured

C.              motivated 


Score =

Additional practice can be found in  Writing Effective Study Plans by Ted Knoy for some of these definitions.

View the accompanying Power Point presentation on details of how to write this paragraph.

