閱讀技巧 (Reading Comprehension)


Exercise 321
Purpose: Increasing reading comprehension skills /加強閱讀技巧

Listen to the following story from Writing Effective Study Plans by Ted Knoy:

Pick the work or expression whose meaning is closest to the meaning of the underlined word or expression in the following passages.



1.  Max received a Master's degree in Electronic Engineering from one of Taiwan’s premier universities, National Taiwan University, in 1994.

A.             mediocre

B.              run-of-the-mill

C.              eminent 


2.  By providing him with a solid background in computer science, the departmental curricula allowed Max to absorb fundamental knowledge while obtaining practical laboratory experiences.

A.             Course of extracurricular activities

B.              course of study 

C.              course of research


3.  By providing him with a solid background in computer science, the departmental curricula allowed Max to absorb fundamental knowledge while obtaining practical laboratory experiences.

A.             engross 

B.              refute

C.              despise


4.  By providing him with a solid background in computer science, the departmental curricula allowed Max to absorb fundamental knowledge while obtaining practical laboratory experiences.

A.             in depth

B.              basic

C.              detailed


5.  At graduate school, he participated in a National Science Council-sponsored research project, aimed at developing a wireless Local Area Network.

A.             cancelled out

B.              dispersed from

C.              focused on 


6.  In addition to enhancing Max’s communication skills by collaborating in a team, the research effort fostered his analytical and experimentation skills.

A.             inhibiting

B.              improving 

C.              hindering


7.  In addition to enhancing Max’s communication skills by collaborating in a team, the research effort fostered his analytical and experimentation skills.

A.             cooperating

B.              working individually

C.              auditing


8.  In addition to enhancing Max’s communication skills by collaborating in a team, the research effort fostered his analytical and experimentation skills.

A.             spread out

B.              disseminated

C.              nurtured 


9.  This solid academic training challenged him to view bottlenecks in research as challenges rather than setbacks, thus increasing his patience and perseverance.

A.             dared 

B.              bored

C.              mutilated


10.  This solid academic training challenged him to view bottlenecks in research as challenges rather than setbacks, thus increasing his patience and perseverance.

A.             progress

B.              advances

C.              obstacles 


11.  This solid academic training challenged him to view bottlenecks in research as challenges rather than setbacks, thus increasing his patience and perseverance.

A.             accomplishments

B.              failures 

C.              achievements


12.  This solid academic training challenged him to view bottlenecks in research as challenges rather than setbacks, thus increasing his patience and perseverance.

A.             stamina 

B.              spread-eagle

C.              indecisiveness


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Additional practice can be found in  Writing Effective Study Plans by Ted Knoy for some of these definitions.

View the accompanying Power Point presentation on details of how to write this paragraph.

