閱讀技巧 (Reading Comprehension)


Exercise 322
Purpose: Increasing reading comprehension skills /加強閱讀技巧

Listen to the following story from Writing Effective Study Plans by Ted Knoy:

Pick the work or expression whose meaning is closest to the meaning of the underlined word or expression in the following passages.



1.  Bill’s studies at the Institute of Electronics Engineering at National Cheng Kung University provided him with a solid background knowledge of telecommunications and signal processing, as well as the desire to become a designer in this exciting field.

A.             wavering

B.              flimsy

C.              sturdy 


2.  Bill’s studies at the Institute of Electronics Engineering at National Cheng Kung University provided him with a solid background knowledge of telecommunications and signal processing, as well as the desire to become a designer in this exciting field.

A.             stammer

B.              aspiration

C.              standby


3.  Collaborative teamwork at ABC Corporation has stressed close cooperation among colleagues and minimization of design complexity, ultimately lowering product cost.

A.             cooperative 

B.              individual

C.              autonomous


4.  Collaborative teamwork at ABC Corporation has stressed close cooperation among colleagues and minimization of design complexity, ultimately lowering product cost.

A.             synergy 

B.              autonomy

C.              individual work


5.  Collaborative teamwork at ABC Corporation has stressed close cooperation among colleagues and minimization of design complexity, ultimately lowering product cost.

A.             played down

B.              discouraged

C.              emphasized


6.  Collaborative teamwork at ABC Corporation has stressed close cooperation among colleagues and minimization of design complexity, ultimately lowering product cost.

A.             layout

B.              intricacy 

C.              process


7.  Bill has excelled in logic design-related systems, such as Modelsim, Debussy, Mat lab and HDL.

A.             experimented

B.              delved

C.              thrived 


8.  Moreover, his experience has sharpened his ability to analyze the merits and limitations of these methods, think logically, collect related information, and meet customer specifications, while using minimal resources.

A.             refined 

B.              generalized

C.              broadened


9.  Moreover, his experience has sharpened his ability to analyze the merits and limitations of these methods, think logically, collect related information, and meet customer specifications, while using minimal resources.

A.             drawbacks

B.              advantages 

C.              restraints


10.  Moreover, his experience has sharpened his ability to analyze the merits and limitations of these methods, think logically, collect related information, and meet customer specifications, while using minimal resources.

A.             upper hand

B.              inside track

C.              constraints 


11.  Moreover, his experience has sharpened his ability to analyze the merits and limitations of these methods, think logically, collect related information, and meet customer specifications, while using minimal resources.

A.             conditions 

B.              rules

C.              discount price


12.   Bill is determined to devote himself to a career in telecommunications-related research so that he can continually refine the professional skills required to thrive in this highly competitive environment.

A.             uncertain 

B.              resolute

C.              dubious


13.   Bill is determined to devote himself to a career in telecommunications-related research so that he can continually refine the professional skills required to thrive in this highly competitive environment.

A.             broaden

B.              smooth off the rough edges 

C.              generalize


14.  Bill is determined to devote himself to a career in telecommunications-related research so that he can continually refine the professional skills required to thrive in this highly competitive environment.

A.             retrograde

B.              go to pot

C.              flourish 


Score =

Additional practice can be found in  Writing Effective Study Plans by Ted Knoy for some of these definitions.

View the accompanying Power Point presentation on details of how to write this paragraph.

