閱讀技巧 (Reading Comprehension)


Exercise 324
Purpose: Increasing reading comprehension skills /加強閱讀技巧

Listen to the following story from Writing Effective Study Plans by Ted Knoy:

Pick the work or expression whose meaning is closest to the meaning of the underlined word or expression in the following passages.



1.  Harry has acquired much professional, hands-on knowledge of data analysis that has prepared him for a career in health-related research and knowledge management, on an international level.

A.                 relinquished

B.                 procured 

C.                 handed over


2.  Harry has acquired much professional, hands-on knowledge of data analysis that has prepared him for a career in health-related research and knowledge management, on an international level.

A.                 dabbler

B.                 green horn

C.                 adept 


3.  Harry has acquired much professional, hands-on knowledge of data analysis that has prepared him for a career in health-related research and knowledge management, on an international level.

A.                 down-to-earth 

B.                 lofty

C.                 sky-high


4.  Collaborating with several companies on numerous projects, he has learned much about project management, leadership development and customer relations.

A.                 cooperating

B.                 cold feet

C.                 cold shoulder


5.  During that period, he also audited courses in relevant areas, such as Financial Investment, Reliability Engineering and Human Relations.

A.                 registered for

B.                 enrolled in

C.                 sat in on 


6.  During that period, he also audited courses in relevant areas, such as Financial Investment, Reliability Engineering and Human Relations.

A.                 extraneous

B.                 applicable 

C.                 besides the point


7.  Harry’s ability to develop knowledge-related skills and then apply them to management in a technological setting would make him invaluable as an engineer at ABC Company. 

A.                 incapable

B.                 greenness

C.                 competence 


8.  Harry’s ability to develop knowledge-related skills and then apply them to management in a technological setting would make him invaluable as an engineer at ABC Company.

A.                 automated

B.                 irreplaceable 

C.                 redundant



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Additional practice can be found in  Writing Effective Study Plans by Ted Knoy for some of these definitions.

View the accompanying Power Point presentation on details of how to write this paragraph.

