閱讀技巧 (Reading Comprehension)


Exercise 336
Purpose: Increasing technical reading comprehension skills /加強技術閱讀技巧



An effective work/research proposal consists of the following elements:

ü       Setting of work proposal工作提案建構 你工作提案的主題是什麼? 你的讀者可以明瞭工作提案的內容嗎?  

ü       Work problem工作問題 : 你的工作提案裡有你試著要解決或是想更進一步瞭解的問題嗎?

ü          Quantitative specification of problem 問題的量化 : 你要如何量化問題來讓你的讀者明白之前文獻研究所遇到的量化限制 ?

ü       Importance of problem問題的中心 如果問題沒被解決或是充分瞭解, 這對工作提案的讀者會有多大的負面衝擊?

ü          Work objective工作目標 工作提案的目標 ?

ü       Methodology to achieve objective 達成目標的方法 你的計劃中達成目標的步驟?

ü          Anticipated results希望的結果 你希望達成的結果?

ü       Contribution to field領域的貢獻: 你的提案對相關工作領域的貢獻?

Read the following work proposal from Writing Effective Work Proposals by Ted Knoy for a mechanical engineering-related (機械相關分類) project:


As well known, geometric parameters significantly affect the

[                ( xxv )

reliability of flip chip packaging under thermodynamic loading.


Based on the basic material mechanics, a higher solder joint


height implies a larger shear force that the solder joint can


bear. Moreover, several works have also concluded that cracks


occur in a solder joint when a package is under critical


thermodynamic loading. Furthermore, certain manufacturing


issues, such as packaging falling-off problems, solder bridging


and misalignment are also related to the design of the pad and


solder joint.  However, geometric parameters of a C4 type

            ]  [                 ( v )

solder joint still can not accurately predict the reliability of flip


chip packaging under thermodynamic loading.. Indeed, many


engineers have tried to predict the geometric parameters of a


C4 type solder joint using an energy-based method and


analytical models. One of them simulated the C4 type solder


joint as a semi-spherical high-lead bump buried into the


eutectic solder; however the simulation lacks accuracy when the


external loading increases. Besides, the above methodology


ignores the effects of gravity. Moreover, the semi-spherical


high-lead bump can not simulate the high-lead bump when the


solder pad sizes vary.  If the geometric parameters can not

                       ]  [            ( xx )

reach an accuracy of 5%, engineers can neither predict the


fatigue life nor enhance the yield of a flip chip package. Under

                                                           ]  [

these circumstances, engineers can not predict the correct

                        ( x )

geometric parameters of a C4 type solder joint when the design


factors vary. Therefore, engineers can neither predict the


fatigue life nor enhance the yield of a flip chip package.



Based on the above, we should develop an analytical geometry

[             ( xv )

method capable of accurately predicting the geometric


parameters of practical C4 type solder joint in flip chip


technology after a reflow process. To do so, the differential

                                     ] [       ( xxxv )

equation of curvature can be derived from the well-known


Laplace-Young equation. Additionally, the contact angle between


the solder and substrate and the surface tension of the solder


can be measured. The free surface energy of the substrate and


the interfacial tension between the solder and the substrate


can then be obtained from Young's equation. Next, the


differential equation of curvature can be numerically solved to


obtain the geometric parameters. Moreover, the geometric data


of the solder joint can be used as an input in the finite element


model to analyze the stress/strain distribution, thermal fatigue


life and reliability of the electronic packages.



As anticipated, the proposed methodology can calculate the

[             ( xxxx )

effect of gravity on the buried high-lead solder bump instead of


on the semi-spherical one. Furthermore, the analytical geometry


method proposed herein can predict geometric parameters of a


C4 type solder joint to within 5% of those obtained by a specific


method found in the literature.  The proposed method can


consider all of the design factors and can be used to investigate


how those factors affect the final shape of a C4 type solder


joint. Importantly, this study explores the effects of design

    ]  [                   ( xxxxv )

factors on the reliability of flip chip technology. The proposed


method can be used to design geometric parameters of a C4


type solder joint, capable of enhancing the reliability of a flip


chip package and reducing its stress concentration. Additionally,


the results of this study can enhance the reliability and fatigue


life of a flip chip package under thermodynamic loading.


 Match the parts of a work proposal with the sentences in the above proposal.


1.  Methodology to achieve objective 達成目標的方法 in the above proposal can be found in

A.             v

B.              xxxv

C.              xv


2.  Contribution to field領域的貢獻 in the above proposal can be found in

A.             xxv

B.              x

C.              xxxxv 


3.  Work problem工作問題 in the above proposal can be found in

A.             xxxx

B.              v

C.              xv

4.  Quantitative specification of problem 問題的量化 in the above proposal can be found in

A.             xx 

B.              xxv

C.              xxxx


5.  Anticipated results希望的結果 in the above proposal can be found in

A.             xxxxv

B.              xx

C.              xxxx 


6.  Setting of work proposal工作提案建構 in the above proposal can be found in

A.             xxxv

B.              xxv 

C.              v


7.  Work objective工作目標 in the above proposal can be found in

A.             xv 

B.              xxxv

C.              xxxx


8.  Importance of problem問題的中心 in the above proposal can be found in

A.             xxv


C.              v


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