閱讀技巧 (Reading Comprehension)

Exercise 338
Purpose: Increasing technical reading comprehension skills /加強技術閱讀技巧
An effective work/research proposal consists of the following elements:
  • Setting of work proposal 工作提案建構:
  • Work problem 工作問題: 你的工作提案裡有你試著要解決或是想更進一步瞭解的問題嗎?
  • Quantitative specification of problem 問題的量化: 你要如何量化問題來讓你的讀者明白之前文獻研究所遇到的量化限制?
  • Importance of problem 問題的中心: 如果問題沒被解決或是充分瞭解 這對工作提案的讀者會有多大的負面衝擊?
  • Work objective 工作目標: 工作提案的目標?
  • Methodology to achieve objective 達成目標的方法: 你的計劃中達成目標的步驟?
  • Anticipated results 希望的結果: 你希望達成的結果?
  • Contribution to field 領域的貢獻: 你的提案對相關工作領域的貢獻?

Read the following work proposal from Writing Effective Work Proposals by Ted Knoy for a information management-related (資訊管理相關分類)project:

3D models are extensively adopted in multimedia applications

[                  ( xxiv )

owing to their relatively low cost and the ease with which they


construct animated 3D objects. Developing a concise and


relatively easy means of constructing 3D faces has been heavily


emphasized, particularly in computer animation. However,


animating a human face is extremely difficult. Different models


have been proposed to formulate 3D objects using expensive


equipment and complex procedures. For instance, the Basin


model uses a digitizer to retrieve 2D images and then


transforms those images into 3D objects. Conventional 3D


models are too time consuming and inaccurate when

         ( ii )

constructing digital objects since they manually retrieve 2D


images. For instance, complex procedures involving the creation

      ]  [                 ( xxii )

of digital objects require much time. Such approaches not only


require too many steps in constructing individual faces, but also


need expensive or precise instruments such as a 3D digitizer,


laser scanner, or range finder. These obstacles create large


overhead costs and  inefficiency when formulating 3D faces,


accounting for why many 3D facial formulation models are


impractical for commercial use.  A situation in which

                                 ]  [

conventional models require seven steps to construct a 3D

              ( iv )

model and their error rate exceeds 5% makes it impossible to

                                         ]  [

commercialize widely animation software and construct realistic

                ( xx )

digital objects.  For example, although formulating 3D objects

               ]  [     ( vi )

has received increasing interest for multimedia applications,


conventional models can not meet commercial specifications.



Based on the above, we should develop an efficient face model

[          ( xviii )

capable of formulating the 3D image of an individual's face from


three 2D images. To do so, three 2D images can be obtained

                 ]  [          ( viii )

simultaneously with three general cameras. The images can then


be transferred to a personal computer. Next, the proposed


model can be used to formulate digitally the 3D face.


As anticipated, the proposed face model can reduce the time

[                    ( xvi )

to construct a 3D face by 10% by optimizing the 3D model


rather than manually retrieving 2D images. Additionally, the


proposed model can precisely formulate an individual’s face by


using conventional peripheral equipment. Moreover, the


constructed 3D face can not only be sculptured by automatic


machinery, but can also simulate various expressions. The


equipment required for constructing 3D digital objects includes


three cameras, a personal computer, and common image


software. Furthermore, steps to construct 3D digital objects in


the proposed face model are simplified, reducing the related


formulation costs and time to use the optimization methods.


The proposed face model can minimize the tolerable errors

[                    ( xxvi )

associated with constructing a digital face, enhancing


multimedia or animation applications by reducing formulation


costs and creating more realistic digital objects. The proposed


model can be employed to digitize different real 3D objects.


Match the parts of a work proposal with the sentences in the above proposal.

1.  Importance of problem 問題的中心 in the above proposal can be found in

A.             xx 

B.              vi

C.              xvi

2.  Work objective 工作目標 in the above proposal can be found in

A.             xxvi

B.              xviii 

C.              xxiv

3.  Quantitative specification of problem 問題的量化 in the above proposal can be found in

A.             xxvi

B.              vi

C.              iv 

4.  Work problem 工作問題 in the above proposal can be found in

A.             xxvi

B.              ii 

C.              vi 

5.  Setting of work proposal 工作提案建構 in the above proposal can be found in

A.             xxvi

B.              xvi

C.              xxiv  

6.  Example of the work problem 工作問題 in the above proposal can be found in

A.             vi

B.              xxii 

C.              xx

7.  Contribution to field 領域的貢獻 in the above proposal can be found in

A.             xxvi 

B.              xii

C.              iv

8.  Anticipated results 希望的結果 in the above proposal can be found in

A.             xx

B.              xvi 

C.              viii

9.  Methodology to achieve objective 達成目標的方法 in the above proposal can be found in

A.             xx

B.              xxviii

C.              viii 


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