An effective work/research proposal consists of the following elements:
ü Setting of work proposal工作提案建構 : 你工作提案的主題是什麼? 你的讀者可以明瞭工作提案的內容嗎?
ü Work problem工作問題 : 你的工作提案裡有你試著要解決或是想更進一步瞭解的問題嗎?
ü Quantitative specification of problem 問題的量化 : 你要如何量化問題來讓你的讀者明白之前文獻研究所遇到的量化限制 ?
ü Importance of problem問題的中心 : 如果問題沒被解決或是充分瞭解, 這對工作提案的讀者會有多大的負面衝擊?
ü Work objective工作目標 : 工作提案的目標 ?
ü Methodology to achieve objective 達成目標的方法 : 你的計劃中達成目標的步驟?
ü Anticipated results希望的結果 : 你希望達成的結果?
ü Contribution to field領域的貢獻: 你的提案對相關工作領域的貢獻?
Read the following work proposal from Writing Effective Work Proposals by Ted Knoy for a physics-related (物理相關分類) project:
As well known, ionizing irradiation causes material damage. The
[ ( xviii ) ]
range/number of radiation effects in solids depends on both the
crystal structure and the type of ionizing irradiation.
Additionally, the energy and dosage of irradiation essentially
affect radiation processes. Ionizing irradiation excites both
electronic and ionic subsystems of crystals. Relaxation
processes occur after excitation, forming defects. Defects
impair the solids, extensively stimulating material damage.
However, the radiation-stimulated ordering effect (RSOE) is
found in various materials. At least two competitive processes
are observed in crystals and semiconductors under ionizing
irradiation - 1) generation of radiation defects and 2)
radiation-stimulated annihilation of defects. On a specific stage
,the annihilation of irradiation defects can dominate the
generation of defects, enhancing the structure. This stage is
referred to as RSOE. Therefore, low-dose irradiation could
serve as an effective method for increasing the reliability of
semiconductors and the stability of parameters in the final
stage of manufacturing. This fact substantially increases
economical efficiency. Nevertheless, the RSOE mechanisms in
[ ( ii )
II-VI semiconductors remain unknown, making it impossible to
implement process applications capable of increasing the
efficiency of barrier structures. Although the application of
] [ ( xvi )
RSOE could markedly increase product output in
microelectronics, the generalization and analysis of RSOE
remain an obstacle to further development.
Based on the above, we should investigate the RSOE in II-VI
[ ( iv )
semiconductors and construct a related model. To do so,
] [
voltage-current characteristics (VIC), voltage-capacity
( xiv )
characteristics (VCC) and capacity-modulated spectra for
barrier structures can be measured at various irradiation doses,
providing the preliminary experimental data. Based on that data,
the control parameters can then be derived. Following Hall
experiments to consider bulk effects, the parametric changes
can be analyzed and synthesized.
As anticipated, low-dose radiation processes can be clarified in
[ ( xii )
solids, improving the parameters of structures based on II-VI
semiconductors. The proposed work can also elucidate low-dose
radiation processes in II-VI semiconductors. Thus, applying
] [ ( x )
this model to barrier structure manufacturing can allow us to
accurately predict the irradiation conditions to enhance the
parameters of structures based on II-VI semiconductors. The
range of objects in which the RSOE is observed can be
expanded. II-VI and other (Si, III-V) semiconductors can also
be compared in terms of the RSOE mechanisms. Analysis of
RSOE in II-VI reveals the peculiarities of related objects. In
contrast to III-V semiconductors, for which the properties of
“pure” crystals can be determined by impurities in II-VI
semiconductors, the lattice “stoichiometric” defects prevails.
Naturally, RSOE can be explained by the reconstruction of
defect centers. Importantly, the proposed model can consider
the effect of the radiation-stimulated diffusion (RSD) of point
Match the parts of a work proposal with the sentences in the above proposal.
1. Anticipated results希望的結果 in the above proposal can be found in
A. xii
B. iv
C. x
2. Importance of problem問題的中心 in the above proposal can be found in
A. xiv
B. xvi
C. viii
3. Setting of work proposal工作提案建構 in the above proposal can be found in
A. xviii
B. xii
C. xviii
4. Work objective工作目標 in the above proposal can be found in
C. xvi
5. Work problem工作問題 in the above proposal can be found in
A. xx
C. ii
6. Methodology to achieve objective 達成目標的方法 in the above proposal can be found in
A. x
B. xiv
C. vi
7. Contribution to field領域的貢獻 in the above proposal can be found in
A. viii
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