閱讀技巧 (Reading Comprehension)


Exercise 523
Purpose: Increasing reading comprehension skills /加強閱讀技巧

Pick the work or expression whose meaning is closest to the meaning of the underlined word or expression in the following passages.


1.  I listened intently to your recent lecture. 

I A.   listlessly

B.  half-heartedly

C.  alertly


2.  I was fascinated with the issues you raised about mortality/failure to rescue, length of stay LOS, infection rates, pressure ulcers, falls, post-surgery complications, patient satisfaction, model of care and nursing considerations.

A.  allured by

B.  detached from

C.  lukewarm to


3.  I was fascinated with the issues you raised about mortality/failure to rescue, length of stay LOS, infection rates, pressure ulcers, falls, post-surgery complications, patient satisfaction, model of care and nursing considerations.

A.  mirages

B.   illusions

C.  deliberations


4.  As you know, efforts to ensure quality health care and patient safety have led to the establishment of health care systems worldwide.

A.  eradication

B.  formation

C.  elimination


5.  In such systems, while nurses are indispensable in significantly reducing the likelihood of clinical errors, shortages in nursing personnel threaten quality care and patient safety.

A.  expendable

B.  superfluous

C.  essential


6.  In such systems, while nurses are indispensable in significantly reducing the likelihood of clinical errors, shortages in nursing personnel threaten quality care and patient safety.

A.  probability

B.  implausibility

C.  inconceivability


7.  In such systems, while nurses are indispensable in significantly reducing the likelihood of clinical errors, shortages in nursing personnel threaten quality care and patient safety.

A.  plethora

B.  glut

C.  deficiencies


8.  Although such data for Taiwanese hospitals are scarce, I am actively engaged in researching related topics.

A.  exorbitant

B.   seldom

C.  excessive


9.  Could you pass on to me pertinent data regarding the adverse impact of nursing shortages on health care in the United States?

A.  relevant

B.  inapplicable

C.  extraneous


10.  I would be delighted to send you any pertinent data from Taiwan as part of an exchange of information.

A. melancholy

B.   elated

C.  disheartened

Score =

Additional practice can be found in  Writing Effective Study Plans by Ted Knoy for some of these definitions.

View the accompanying Power Point presentation on details of how to write this paragraph.

