閱讀技巧 (Reading Comprehension)


Exercise 637
Purpose: Increasing reading comprehension skills /加強閱讀技巧

Pick the work or expression whose meaning is closest to the meaning of the underlined word or expression in the following passages.


1. The Educational Training and Orientation Department at China Motors Corporation (CMC) integrates the efforts of human resources personnel, training instructors and library employees.

I A.  interrogating

B.  debriefing

C.  orienting  


2. The Department performs specific activities to continuously upgrade the professional skills of company employees through a comprehensive education and training curricula.

A.  capacious

B.  primordial

C.  rudimentary


3. First, while closely following the missions and planning strategy of CMC, the Department assesses the talents of employees and recommends ways of better utilizing their professional skills and potential to more effectively respond to the intensely competitive and constantly changing market.

A. immutable

B.  vacillating

C.  abiding


4. First, while closely following the missions and planning strategy of CMC, the Department assesses the talents of employees and recommends ways of better utilizing their professional skills and potential to more effectively respond to the intensely competitive and constantly changing market.

A.  flaws

B.  imperfections

C.  ingenuity


5. Second, the Department maintains an employee training center to fully orient new employees regarding company operations and equip them with the professional skills necessary to perform daily tasks.

A.  indoctrinate  

B.  delude

C.  hoodwink


6. The center often consults with its counterparts in industry and government regarding how to improve its operations.

A.  confers with

B.  locks horns with

C.  quibbles with


7. Third, the Department maintains a consultation room that allows colleagues to freely discuss professional and personal concerns regarding how to better fulfill their career aspirations while maintaining a healthy family and personal life.

A.  squelch

B.  effectuate

C.  quell


8. Third, the Department maintains a consultation room that allows colleagues to freely discuss professional and personal concerns regarding how to better fulfill their career aspirations while maintaining a healthy family and personal life. 

A.  curtailing

B.  prolonging

C.  retrenching


9. Finally, the Department maintains a well stocked library containing numerous books, periodicals and multimedia teaching materials, thus encouraging employees to continuously upgrade their reading skills to maintain their professional skills.

A. intermittently

B.  spasmodically

C.  perennially


10. Moreover, the Department implements an apprenticeship model in which new employees can work in specific areas under the guidance of more seasoned colleagues, thus fostering an organizational environment of mutual respect.

A.  callow 

B.  acclimated

C.  verdant


11. Moreover, the Department implements an apprenticeship model in which new employees can work in specific areas under the guidance of more seasoned colleagues, thus fostering an organizational environment of mutual respect.

A.  analogous

B.  discordant

C.  antagonistic



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Additional practice can be found in  Writing Effective Study Plans by Ted Knoy for some of these definitions.

View the accompanying Power Point presentation on details of how to write this paragraph.

