閱讀技巧 (Reading Comprehension)


Exercise 650
Purpose: Increasing reading comprehension skills /加強閱讀技巧

Pick the work or expression whose meaning is closest to the meaning of the underlined word or expression in the following passages.


1. Taiwan officially became an aging society in 1997 according to the definition of the United Nations.

I A.  illicitly

B.  legitimately

C.  unlawfully


2. To look after the welfare of the elderly, the government needs to provide affordable, basic housing that suits the needs of this growth sector.

A.  costly

B.  economical  

C.  excessive


3. Local construction enterprises thus have begun promoting retirement housing complexes, which can be categorized into four types. 

A.  medical clinics

B.  governmental organizations

C.  companies 


4. First, luxury accommodations are available for retirees, which have restrictions on tenant age and health status.

A.  opulent  

B.  meat-and-potatoes

C.  nitty-gritty


5. Leased to tenants for long periods ranging from three to twenty years, such communities are normally referred to as congregate housing, and are characterized by uniform housing, organized social activities, health management, hotel type services, and specialist service staff. 

A.  diversified

B.  potpourri

C.  homogeneous 


6. Such housing arrangements offer a diverse array of services to high income elderly individuals. 

A.  affluent

B.  impoverished

C.  destitute


7. Second, government-registered residential facilities are available for the elderly, which are subsidized by the government with elderly residents contributing the remainder themselves.

A.  preponderance

B.  remnant  

C.  lion’s share


8. Such facilities provide only basic daily services and so are relatively inexpensive

A.  cut-rate  

B.  exorbitant

C.  excessive


9. Third, government-registered residential facilities are run in conjunction with private recuperative centers. 

A.  in contrast to

B.  in line for

C.  in line with  


10. These facilities mainly house bed-ridden elderly, and are staffed by general nursing staff without specialized skills and who simply provide primary care. 

A.  adolescent 

B.  juvenile

C.  aged


11. Fourth, long-term residential care facilities are available for chronically ill elderly who are largely bed ridden.

A.  seldom

B.  to a large extent  

C.  scarcely


12. These facilities differ from long-term care facilities in hospitals in that they aim mainly to support the daily functions of the elderly, while hospitals focus on treating chronic illnesses.

A.  correlate with

B.  correspond to

C.  contrast with


13. Notable examples of these facilities include residential facilities for retired servicemen that combine housing with recuperative facilities.

A.  degenerative

B.  restorative

C.  regressive


14.  What all of the above facilities share in common is that they are residential nursing homes staffed with professional nurses.

A.  bush-league

B.  white-collar

C.  a poor excuse for



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Additional practice can be found in  Writing Effective Study Plans by Ted Knoy for some of these definitions.

View the accompanying Power Point presentation on details of how to write this paragraph.

