有效撰寫英文商業策略 (Writing Effective Business Strategies)

Exercise 658

Making Inferences from Statistics

I. Pre-Listening Exercise
II. Listening Exercise
III. Post-Listening Exercise

I. Pre-Listening Exercise [Top]

Check the meanings of the following words and expressions:
  • medical expenditures
  • National Health Information Network
  • accessible and transparent
  • proportion
  • reimbursement
  • recorded electronically
  • adjusting to changes
  • computer education and training
  • administrative operations
  • pricing strategies

II. Listening Exercise [Top]
Listen to the conversation by pressing the "Play" button and then answering the following questions. Press the "Final score" button to check your quiz results.

1. What percentage of all clinics in Taiwan had computerized their operations by 1997?
A. 54.9%
B. 84.6%
C. 76.3%

2. What has the Taiwanese government has promoted the use of since the National Health Insurance scheme was established in 1995?
A. reimbursement of service processing
B. the National Health Information Network
C. clinical software sources

3. What did a hospital survey of computerization and on-line impetus groups in 1996 note?
A. a rapid increase in the number of clinics that were computerized
B. the status of computerization in clinical practice
C. a desire to provide computer education and training

4. What have advances in information systems greatly facilitated?
A. data accessible and transparent in digital form
B. changes in National Health Insurance laws
C. administrative operations, pricing strategies and bookkeeping

5. When did computerization in Taiwanese hospitals increase from 28% to 57%?
A. From 1992-1994
B. from 1994-1996
C. from 1996-1998

Score =

III. Post-Listening Exercise [Top]

Write a paragraph that makes an inference from statistics regarding a product or service by following this structure:

1. Briefly introduce a market trend. 簡述市場趨勢
2. Use statistics that reflect this market trend and its impact.運用反映市場趨勢的統計結果及其影響
3. State implications of those statistics. 統計結果的運用

4. Make a recommendation based on those statistics. 根據統計結果做成建議