Check the meanings of the following words and expressions:
Consult page 59 of Writing Effective Study Plans by Ted Knoy for some of these definitions.
Write a paragraph describing your research and/or professional
experiences. If you do not have any, then write a paragraph describe
those of someone else. View the accompanying Power Point presentation
on details of how to write this paragraph. 3. Write four questions
beginning with "Which" when asking someone about their
research and professional experiences, and then answer them. The
question does not have to come directly from the listening exercise. 4. Ask a person two
questions beginning with "Which" about his or her academic background
and achievements. Write down each question and its one or two
sentence reply. You can select from among the following questions
from the above listening exercise as models for the questions
that you ask: Which line of work has Cathy been in for the past
five years? |