留學英文 (Academic Study)

Exercise 21
I. Pre-Listening Exercise
II. Listening Exercise
III. Post-Listening Exercise


Describing personal qualities relevant to study / 描述與學習有關的個人特質


I. Pre-Listening Exercise [Top]

Check the meanings of the following words and expressions:

  • academic performance
  • diligence
  • undistinguished academic work
  • grade point average
  • flinch
  • rigorous
  • reflect
  • desire to be a high achiever

Consult page 91 of Writing Effective Study Plans by Ted Knoy for some of these definitions.

II. Listening Exercise [Top]
1. Listen to the conversation by pressing the "Play" button and then answering the following questions. Press the "Final score" button to check your quiz results.

1. What is an example of Patrick’s diligence during university?
A. his strong analytical skills
B. his academic performance
C. his many laboratory experiences

2. How was Patrick’s academic work during his first two years of university?
A. outstanding
B. poor
C. undistinguished

3. How did Patrick react to taking rigorous courses during university?
A. He did not flinch
B. He enthusiastically enrolled in them.
C. He tried to avoid them.

4. What were Patrick’s final course grades during his last two years of university?
A. 90 or higher
B. 80 or higher
C. no lower than 75

5. What does Patrick desire to be?
A. an outstanding student
B. a well-rounded individual
C. a high achiever

Score =

2. Listen to the story again as you read the audiotranscript on page 200 of Writing Effective Study Plans by Ted Knoy.

III. Post-Listening Exercise [Top]
1. Read the audiotranscript with a partner or change some of the information to adapt it to your situation.

2. Write a paragraph describing your personal qualities relevant to advanced study. View the accompanying Power Point presentation on details of how to write this paragraph.

3. Write four questions beginning with "What" when asking someone to describe their personal qualities relevant to study, and then answer them. The question does not have to come directly from the listening exercise.
Example: What were Patrick's final course grades during his last two years of university?
Answer: 80 or higher
Example: What do you feel your personal strengths are?
Answer: I am industrious and quick to adopt new concepts.

回留學英文 Academic Study