留學英文 (Academic Study)

Exercise 37
I. Pre-Listening Exercise
II. Listening Exercise
III. Post-Listening Exercise


Recommending a student for study (Part B): Personal qualities of the candidate that are relevant to Graduate Study and Closing / 撰寫推薦信函 ( B 部份 ) 被推薦人與進階學習有關的個人特質及信函結尾


I. Pre-Listening Exercise [Top]

Check the meanings of the following words and expressions:

  • team leader
  • research group
  • engaging
  • assigning
  • largely attributes
  • persistent
  • merit
  • opinions
  • in contrast to
  • emphasize
  • confidence
  • determination
  • graduate studies
  • academic potential
  • personality
  • communication skills
  • challenges
  • admissions committee
  • further insight into
  • candidate

Consult page 151 of Writing Effective Study Plans by Ted Knoy for some of these definitions.

II. Listening Exercise [Top]
1. Listen to the conversation by pressing the "Play" button and then answering the following questions. Press the "Final score" button to check your quiz results.

1. What does Professor Li attribute the team's excellent performance to?
A. John's careful guidance
B. John's persistent direction
C. John's confidence and determination

2. What does believe that John has learned?
A. how to compromise in a group
B. how to effectively communicate with others
C. how to carefully listen to others' opinions

3. What is Professor Li unable to emphasize enough?
A. Her recommendation for John to successfully complete his studies
B. Her confidence in John's ability and determination to successfully complete his graduate studies
C. Her pride in John's academic potential

4. What does Professor Li believe is invaluable for the challenges of graduate study?
A. a strong personality and effective communication skills
B. determination and perseverance
C. strong analytical and computer skills

5. What should the admissions committee do if it has further questions?
A. request John Wang's undergraduate institution to mail his academic transcripts
B. contact Professor Li to provide further insight into John's academic performance
C. directly ask John to provide more supporting materials

Score =

2. Listen to the story again as you read the audiotranscript on page 222 of Writing Effective Study Plans by Ted Knoy.

III. Post-Listening Exercise [Top]
1. Read the audiotranscript with a partner or change some of the information to adapt it to your situation.

2. Write the second part of a recommendation letter for advanced study, which states the personal qualities of the candidate that are relevant to graduate study. View the accompanying Power Point presentation on details of how to write this paragraph.

3. Write four questions in which the person must respond "What" when recommending someone for advanced study, and then answer them. The question does not have to come directly from the listening exercise.
Example: What did John often serve as in Professor's Li's research group?
Answer: a team leader
Example: What role did you play in the weekly group meetings held in Professor Lin's laboratory?
Answer: I organized the agenda for each meeting and assigned different tasks to the participants.

回留學英文 Academic Study