
In terms of Chinese colloquial habits in technical writing, use the proper copyediting marks to correct the following sentences. Refer to the preferred answer (denoted as "Try") when making corrections:

A. Prevent overuse of traditional textbook phrases.
(a). Instead of
Once can develop, expand, and debug the program easily in the future.
The program can be easily developed, expanded, and debugged in the future.

(b). Instead of
It is very difficult to find for sheet bending operations a suitable deformation limit.
Finding an adequate (appropriate) deformation limit for sheet bending operations is quite difficult.

(c). Instead of
The main purpose of monitoring network planning is to decide suitable well locations.
Monitoring network planning attempts (aims) to determine appropriate (adequate) well locations.

(d). Instead of
It is impossible to adopt extremely small grids.
Extremely small grids cannot be adopted.

B. Make your intended meaning more visually accessible.
Instead of
Because of an extremely short transfer time and high exposure sensitivity of the camera, there was almost no interval as taking pictures of moving objects.
Almost no interval between photographing moving objects was allowed owing to an extremely short transfer time and the camera's high exposure sensitivity.

C. Avoid overemphasis of clauses involving time.
Instead of
Currently, there are more than 50 varieties of bulk pharmaceuticals produced in Taiwan.
More than fifty varieties of bulk pharmaceuticals are produced in Taiwan.

D. Avoid overemphasis of clauses involving comparison.
Instead of
In comparison with the conventional method, the proposed method spends less computational time.
The proposed method spends less computational time than the conventional method.

E. Avoid overemphasis of "domains" which tend to push the author's intended meaning towards the end of the sentence.
Domain of Purpose
Instead of
In order to determine the acoustic pressure due to an ultrasonic transducer, we must solve the general equation.
Determining the acoustic pressure requires (necessitates) solving the general equation.
or try
The general equation must be solved to determine the acoustic pressure.

Domain of Reason
(a). Instead of
Because the macrocell is embedded in a cell, dowlink power control is hard to formulate.
Downlink power is difficult to formulate since the macrocell is embedded in a cell.
or Try
The fact that the macrocell is embedded in a cell accounts for why dowlink power control is difficult to formulate.

Domain of Condition
Instead of
If we wish to carry out environmental protection measures that internalize the resulting social costs, we must consider using market mechanisms to lead the people and industry.
Implementing (Promulgating) environmental protection measures that internalize the subsequent social costs hinges on effectively using market mechanisms to direct individuals (the general public) and industry.

Domain of Location
Instead of
In Article 18 of the Waste Treatment Law, it is stipulated that. .
Article 18 of the Waste Treatment Law stipulates that. . .

F. Use transitions to link sentences and promote the manuscript's flow.
Common sentence linkers include the following:
Under those circumstances,
For such a reason,
In such a case,
In light of above developments,
As mentioned earlier,
As stated above,
If this above condition is satisfied,
In such an event,
According to those results,
As this figure depicts,
Above results suggest that. . .
This finding (event, fact, phenomenon, occurrence) reveals that. . .


Provide variety in verb form and word selection

(a). Instead of

gains much benefits


possesses many merits

(b). Instead of
Our results fit very good with those of Wu et al.


Our results closely correspond to (correlate well with) those of Wu et al.

(c). Instead of
researching and understanding

more thoroughly understanding

(d). Instead of
explanation briefing



(e). Instead of
Recycling has to be practiced more.


Recycling must be adhered to more stringently.

(f). Instead of
Companies see big results in cutting air pollution.


Companies witness significant progress in alleviating air pollution.

Avoid exceessively long sentences.
(a). Instead of
Through numerous discussions by representatives from industry, government, academic and research organizations, the "Inspection Table for the Standard of God Manufacturing Practice on Pharmaceuticals" suitable to local condition as well as acceptable to international standards was drafted in July 1996.


Through numerous discussions by representatives from industry, government, academic and research organizations, the "Inspection Table for the Standard of God Manufacturing Practice on Pharmaceuticals" was drafted in July 1995. The document was deemed appropriate (adequate") for local conditions as well as acceptable to international standards.

(b). Instead of
Since the climate on Orchid Island is relatively hot and humid compared to Taiwan, the research team from the Research Institute decided to return them to their native habitat on Orchid Island to allow the butterflies to be successfully born.


The climate on Orchid Island is hotter and more humid than Taiwan, accounting for why the team from the Reserach Institute decided to return the butterflies to their native habitat on Orchid Island for their successful birth.

Avoid overuse of First Person
(a). Instead of
We must emphasize the development and introduction of technologies that are both environmentally friendly and able to satisfy the needs of humankind.

Developing and introducing technologies that are both environmentally friendly and able to satisfy the needs of humankind must be emphasized.

(b). Instead of
From the literature having been mentioned, we can find that the factors which influence the impact pressure include impact velocity, weight, bottom area and bottom edge.
The above-mentioned literature indicates that the factors influencing the impact pressure include impact velocity, weight, bottom area and bottom edge.

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