
TEL \ ( 03 ) 5724895
FAX \ ( 03 )5724938
URL:  http://www.chineseowl.idv.tw
E-mail: tedaknoy@ms11.hinet.net


  1. Course objective
    To develop translation skills in a technical manuscript in terms of (a) translation errors made from Chinese to English and (b) general writing style errors.
  2. Course text
    An Editing Workbook for Chinese Technical Writers by Ted Knoy
  3. Course materials
  4. Suggested readings
    Substance&Style: Instruction and Practice in Copyediting by Mary Stoughton
    Style: Ten Lessons in Clarity and Grace by Joseph Williams
    Technical Editing by Lola Zook
  5. Course homework
    Students must complete the twenty seven editing exercises for conciseness found in An Editing Workbook for Chinese Technical Writers by Ted Knoy and twenty eight listening exercises from the Online Listening Lab.

    Assignment Percent
    Twenty seven editing exercises for conciseness from An Editing Workbook for Chinese Technical Writers by Ted Knoy 20%
    Online exercises 20%
    Mid-term examination
    Final examination
    Class participation
    Course grade 100%

  7. Norms for class assignments
    The instructor assesses the above assignments on the basis of the following norms:
    Structure Each class assignment must be written according to the structure taught in class.
    Style Each class assignment must be written in clear and concise English, omitting any grammatical, general writing style, or Chinese colloquial errors.

    Each class assignment must not only have a particular audience in mind, but attempt to link the technical information with the particular reader's interest(s).

  8. Attendance policy
    出席率計算: 一次上課無故缺席扣二分, 三次上課無故缺席該科不及格


[ Schedule ]


由以下範圍有12個句子要修改,以上12個句子一定會包括以下6個句子 (Ex.3: 3, 4 /Ex.6: 3, 8 /Ex.9: 6, 7) 另外,尚有20個選擇題, 10題由練習77~83選出, 另外10題由練習270~283選出


由以下範圍有 12 個句子要修改,以上 12 個句子一定會包括以下 6 個句子 (Ex.14: 1, 2 / Ex.18: 6, 7/ Ex.19: 1, 12) 另外,尚有 20 個選擇題,全部由以下範圍選出,練習84~88; 練習284~297


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