
TEL \ ( 03 ) 5724895
FAX \ ( 03 )5724938
URL:  http://www.chineseowl.idv.tw
E-mail: tedaknoy@ms11.hinet.net



(1) Course objectives (general)

To introduce common forms of Business English in order to promote a company’s international image, including how to describe a) market trends for products or services, b) development of a product or service, c) a project to develop a product or service, d) a company introduction, e) a company division or department, f) a technology, g) an industry and h) a company’s technical or research capabilities.

(2) Course texts

Effectively Communicating Online by Ted Knoy

Writing Effective Marketing English by Ted Knoy

(3) Course materials

(4) Suggested readings

technical editing

curriculum text

grammatical or style reference

for non-native speakers of English

(5) Course homework

Written assignments will be sent for editing to the instructor via e-mail (tedaknoy@ms11.hinet.net) as an attached file in Microsoft Word format. The instructor will edit the files using the editing tool inside of the "Tools" box of Microsoft Word and, then, return the edited files to the student. During the final week of the course, the student will submit the final assignments on a 3.5 size diskette(Word format).

Assignment Percent
  1. 預測市場趨勢
  2. 產品或服務研發
  3. 專案描述
  4. 公司或組織介紹
  5. 組或部門介紹
  6. 科技介紹
  7. 產業介紹
  8. 組織或公司研究能力描述
Online exercises 25%
Mid-term examination 25%
Final examination 30%
Course grade 100%

(6) Norms for class assignments

The instructor assesses the above assignments on the basis of the following norms:


Each class assignment must be written according to the structure taught in class.


Each class assignment must be written in clear and concise English, omitting any grammatical, general writing style, or Chinese colloquial errors.


Each class assignment must not only have a particular audience in mind, but attempt to link the technical information with the particular reader's interest(s).


Class one

Describing Market Trends for Products or Services預測市場趨勢

( 開發此產品的原因; a. 科技層面 (1) 相關產品 (2) 潛在利潤 b. 財務層面; 開發領域的市場趨勢; 產品開發的組織策略和方案 a.策略的界定(包括最高目標及主要重點)b.執行策略方案的界定; 市場調查 a.產品的商業潛力 b.產品運用的範疇 )

Listening practice (線上聽力測驗): | Exercise 456 | Exercise 457 | Exercise 458 | Exercise 347 | Exercise 348
Oral practice (學術方面問題): Exercise 528 | Exercise 529 | Exercise 530 Exercise 420 | Exercise 421
Increasing reading comprehension skills (加強閱讀技巧): Exercise 492 | Exercise 493 | Exercise 494 | Exercise 383 | Exercise 384
Vocabulary building practice (轉換為簡潔的同義字詞): Exercise 77 | Exercise 185
Writing Effective Marketing Promotional English (有效撰寫英文行銷): Exercise 571 | Exercise 572 | Exercise 573
Writing Effective Business Strategies (有效撰寫英文商業策略): Exercise 655 | Exercise 656 | Exercise 657

Class two

Describing Development of a Product or Service產品或服務研發 ( 產品開發的現階段狀況; 市場的評價; 產品開發的獨創性和特色;台灣同類產品的主要製造廠商; 在既有領域下未來產品開發的原困 )
Listening practice (線上聽力測驗): Exercise 459 | Exercise 460 | Exercise 461 | Exercise 349 | Exercise 350
Oral practice (學術方面問題): Exercise 531 | Exercise 532 | Exercise 533 | Exercise 422 | Exercise 423
Increasing reading comprehension skills (加強閱讀技巧): Exercise 495 | Exercise 496 | Exercise 497 | Exercise 385 | Exercise 386
Vocabulary building practice (轉換為簡潔的同義字詞): | Exercise 78
Writing Effective Marketing Promotional English (有效撰寫英文行銷): Exercise 574 | Exercise 575 | Exercise 576
Writing Effective Business Strategies (有效撰寫英文商業策略): Exercise 658 | Exercise 659 | Exercise 660


Class three

Summarizing One’s Professional and Academic Background概述某人的專業及學術背景 ( 表達工作相關興趣; 興趣相關產業描寫; 描述所參預方案裡專業興趣的表現;介紹研究及工作經驗; 概述未來工標 )
Listening practice (線上聽力測驗):Exercise 462 | Exercise 463 | Exercise 464 | Exercise 351 | Exercise 352
Oral practice (學術方面問題): Exercise 534 | Exercise 535 | Exercise 536 | Exercise 424 | Exercise 425
Increasing reading comprehension skills (加強閱讀技巧): Exercise 498 | Exercise 499 | Exercise 500 | Exercise 387 | Exercise 388
Vocabulary building practice (轉換為簡潔的同義字詞): | Exercise 79 | Exercise 186
Writing Effective Marketing Promotional English (有效撰寫英文行銷): Exercise 577 | Exercise 578 | Exercise 579 |
Writing Effective Business Strategies(有效撰寫英文商業策略): Exercise 661 | Exercise 662 | Exercise 663


Class four

Introducing a company 公司或組織介紹 ( 簡要陳述組織所屬之產業的概況; 組織的使命; 組織的發展沿革; 組織的架;特殊部門的發展現況;.組織最新的科技成就; 結論 )
Listening practice (線上聽力測驗):Exercise 465 | Exercise 466 | Exercise 467 | Exercise 353 | Exercise 354
Oral practice (學術方面問題): Exercise 537 | Exercise 538 | Exercise 539 | Exercise 426 | Exercise 427
Increasing reading comprehension skills (加強閱讀技巧): Exercise 501 | Exercise 502 | Exercise 503 | Exercise 389 | Exercise 390
Vocabulary building practice (轉換為簡潔的同義字詞): | Exercise 80
Writing Effective Marketing Promotional English (有效撰寫英文行銷): Exercise 580 | Exercise 581 | Exercise 582
Writing Effective Business Strategies(有效撰寫英文商業策略): Exercise 664 | Exercise 665 | Exercise 666


Class five

Arranging for Company Visits公司訪問安排 ( 科技訪問許可申請; 闡述科技訪問的目地; 介紹某人的能力或機構經驗;對訪問機構的讚揚; 詳述科技訪問的細節; 科技訪問核准的確認申請 )
Listening practice (線上聽力測驗): Exercise 468 | Exercise 469 | Exercise 470 | Exercise 355 | Exercise 356
Oral practice (學術方面問題): Exercise 540 | Exercise 541 | Exercise 542 | Exercise 428 | Exercise 429
Increasing reading comprehension skills (加強閱讀技巧): Exercise 504 | Exercise 505 | Exercise 506 | Exercise 391 | Exercise 392
Vocabulary building practice (轉換為簡潔的同義字詞): Exercise 81 | Exercise 187
Writing Effective Marketing Promotional English (有效撰寫英文行銷): Exercise 583 | Exercise 584 | Exercise 585
Writing Effective Business Strategies (有效撰寫英文商業策略): Exercise 667 | Exercise 668 | Exercise 669

Class six

Introducing a technology 科技介紹 ( 影響台灣科技發展的因素; 科技發展的特色; 發展科技的目標; 界定科技的地位 a. 扼要解釋在環境,製造或科技方面的問題 b. 解決或改善問題的歷年成效;( 註記: 可列入特定領域內政府的特殊規定); 目前從事的應用科技 a. 應用科技的特色或特徵 b. 特殊的個案; 科技市場的契機; 繼續從事科技應用的未來挑戰 )
Listening practice (線上聽力測驗): Exercise 471 | Exercise 472 | Exercise 473 | Exercise 357 | Exercise 358
Oral practice (學術方面問題): Exercise 543 | Exercise 544 | Exercise 545 | Exercise 430 | Exercise 431
Increasing reading comprehension skills (加強閱讀技巧 ): Exercise 507 | Exercise 508 | Exercise 509 | Exercise 393 | Exercise 394
Vocabulary building practice (轉換為簡潔的同義字詞): | Exercise 82
Writing Effective Marketing Promotional English (有效撰寫英文行銷): Exercise 586 | Exercise 587 | Exercise 588
Writing Effective Business Strategies(有效撰寫英文商業策略): Exercise 670 | Exercise 671 | Exercise 672

Class seven

Scheduling Training Sessions訓練安排 ( 科技訓練申請; 讚揚提供科技訓練的機構; 科技訓練細節解釋; 表達對科技訓練機會的樂觀態度; 表達對科技訓練機會的樂觀態度 )
Listening practice (線上聽力測驗): | Exercise 474 | Exercise 475 | Exercise 476 | Exercise 359 | Exercise 360
Oral practice (學術方面問題): Exercise 546 | Exercise 547 | Exercise 432 | Exercise 433 |
Increasing reading comprehension skills (加強閱讀技巧): Exercise 510 | Exercise 511 | Exercise 512 | Exercise 395 | Exercise 396
Vocabulary building practice (轉換為簡潔的同義字詞): | Exercise 83 | Exercise 188
Writing Effective Marketing Promotional English (有效撰寫英文行銷): Exercise 589 | Exercise 590 | Exercise 591
Writing Effective Business Strategies(有效撰寫英文商業策略): Exercise 673 | Exercise 674 | Exercise 675


Class eight

Mid-term examination ( 期中考 )


Class nine

Handling Business Queries 商業相關詢問處理 ( 解釋請求資訊的地 )
Listening practice (線上聽力測驗): | Exercise 477 | Exercise 478 | Exercise 479 | Exercise 361 | Exercise 362
Oral practice (學術方面問題): | Exercise 548 | Exercise 549 | Exercise 434 | Exercise 435 |
Increasing reading comprehension skills (加強閱讀技巧): Exercise 513 | Exercise 514 | Exercise 515 | Exercise 397 | Exercise 398
Vocabulary building practice (轉換為簡潔的同義字詞): | Exercise 84
Writing Effective Marketing Promotional English (有效撰寫英文行銷): Exercise 592 | Exercise 593 | Exercise 594
Writing Effective Business Strategies(有效撰寫英文商業策略): Exercise 676 | Exercise 677 | Exercise 678

Class Ten

Initiating Professional Exchanges 開始工商流通 ( 資訊流通關係的提呈; 為資訊流通而提供個人或機構經驗; 為資訊流通而讚揚某機構或某人; 資訊流通關係的細節詳述; 表達對資訊流通關係的樂觀態度;開始資訊流通關係 )
Listening practice (線上聽力測驗): Exercise 480 | Exercise 481 | Exercise 363 | Exercise 364
Oral practice (學術方面問題): Exercise 550 | Exercise 551 | Exercise 552 | Exercise 436 | Exercise 437
Increasing reading comprehension skills (加強閱讀技巧): Exercise516 | Exercise517 | Exercise 399 | Exercise 400
Vocabulary building practice 轉換為簡潔的同義字詞: | Exercise 85 | Exercise 189
Writing Effective Marketing Promotional English (有效撰寫英文行銷): Exercise 595 | Exercise 596 | Exercise 597
Writing Effective Business Strategies(有效撰寫英文商業策略): Exercise 679 | Exercise 680 | Exercise 681

Class eleven

Introducing a Division or Department組或部門介紹 ( 介紹部門所屬的組織或公司; 部門的組織架構; 部門的人才來源和教育背景; 部門的使命; 部門之製造或研究的能力; 部門提供的產業服務 )
Listening practice (線上聽力測驗):Exercise 482 | Exercise 483 | Exercise 365 | Exercise 366 | Exercise 367 | Exercise 368
Oral practice (學術方面問題): | Exercise 553 | Exercise 554 | Exercise 555 | Exercise 438 | Exercise 439 | Exercise 440 | Exercise 441
Increasing reading comprehension skills (加強閱讀技巧): Exercise | 518 | Exercise519 | Exercise 401 | Exercise 402 | Exercise 403 | Exercise 404
Vocabulary building practice (轉換為簡潔的同義字詞): | Exercise 86
Writing Effective Marketing Promotional English (有效撰寫英文行銷): Exercise 598 | Exercise 599 | Exercise 600
Writing Effective Business Strategies (有效撰寫英文商業策略): Exercise 682 | Exercise 683 | Exercise 684

Class twelve

Arranging Business Travel Itineraries 商業訪問行程安排 ( 邀請演講者; 描述演講目地; 詳述演講的細節; 詳述交通及住宿的細節; 演講者行必知指; 對演講者強調訪問的重要性; 行程細節列表; 對行程細節列表的建議 )
Listening practice (線上聽力測驗): | Exercise 484 | Exercise 485 | Exercise 369 | Exercise 370 | Exercise 371 | Exercise 372
Oral practice (學術方面問題): | Exercise 556 | Exercise 557 | Exercise 558 | Exercise 442 | Exercise 443 | Exercise 444 | Exercise 445
Increasing reading comprehension skills (加強閱讀技巧): Exercise 520 | Exercise 521 | Exercise 405 | Exercise 406 | Exercise 407 | Exercise 408
Vocabulary building practice 轉換為簡潔的同義字詞: | Exercise 87 | Exercise 190
Writing Effective Marketing Promotional English (有效撰寫英文行銷): Exercise 601 | Exercise 602 | Exercise 603
Writing Effective Business Strategies(有效撰寫英文商業策略): Exercise 685 | Exercise 686 | Exercise 687

Class thirteen

Introducing an Industry 工業介紹 ( 此種產業在台灣的一般特色 a. 產業所面臨的困境 b. 簡述一或二個目前活動的重點; 產業採用的科技; 台灣相關的研究發展設備; 重要的研究發展專案; 產業發展個案的範例; 未來的發展 )
Listening practice (線上聽力測驗): | Exercise 486 | Exercise 487 | Exercise 373 | Exercise 374 | Exercise 375 | Exercise 376
Oral practice (學術方面問題 ): | Exercise 559 | Exercise 560 | Exercise 561 | Exercise 446 | Exercise 447 | Exercise 448 | Exercise 449
Selecting concise words and expressions (選擇精確用字及描述): | Exercise 173 | Exercise 174 | Exercise 175 | Exercise 176
Increasing reading comprehension skills (加強閱讀技巧): Exercise | 522 | Exercise 523 | Exercise 409 | Exercise 410 | Exercise 411 | Exercise 412
Vocabulary building practice 轉換為簡潔的同義字詞: | Exercise 88
Writing Effective Marketing Promotional English (有效撰寫英文行銷): Exercise 604 | Exercise 605 | Exercise 606
Writing Effective Business Strategies(有效撰寫英文商業策略): Exercise 688 | Exercise 689 | Exercise 690 |


Class fourteen

Describing a Project to Develop a Product or Service 專案描述 ( 專案的背景; 市場的訊息; 專案的目標; 專案的重要特色; 專案的策略;專案的動向 )
Listening practice (線上聽力測驗): Exercise 488 | Exercise 489 | Exercise 377 | Exercise 378 | Exercise 379
Oral practice (學術方面問題):Exercise 562 | Exercise 563 | Exercise 564 | Exercise 450 | Exercise 451 | Exercise 452
Selecting concise words and expressions (選擇精確用字及描述): Exercise 177 | Exercise 178 | Exercise 179 | Exercise 180
Increasing reading comprehension skills (加強閱讀技巧): Exercise 524 | Exercis525 | Exercise 413 | Exercise 414 | Exercise 415
Writing Effective Marketing Promotional English (有效撰寫英文行銷): Exercise 607 | Exercise 608 | Exercise 609
Writing Effective Business Strategies(有效撰寫英文商業策略): Exercise 691 | Exercise 692 | Exercise 693

Class fifteen

Introducing a Company’s Technical/Research Capabilities組織或公司研究能力描述 ( 組織的沿革; 組織的使命;人才來源;營運資金;組織的架構;研究焦點中的實驗能力
介紹進行特殊實驗的重要設備;相關的硬體或軟體設備( 例如:商業的資料庫);現階段提供的產業服務;結論:未來的趨勢及導向 )
Listening practice (線上聽力測驗):Exercise 490 | Exercise 491 | Exercise 380 | Exercise 381 | Exercise 382
Oral practice (學術方面問題): Exercise 565 | Exercise 566 | Exercise 567 | Exercise 453 | Exercise 454 | Exercise 455
Increasing reading comprehension skills (加強閱讀技巧): Exercise 526 | Exercise527 | Exercise 416 | Exercise 417 | Exercise 418 | Exercise 419
Writing Effective Marketing Promotional English (有效撰寫英文行銷): Exercise 610 | Exercise 611 | Exercise 612
Writing Effective Business Strategies(有效撰寫英文商業策略): Exercise 694 | Exercise 695 | Exercise 696

Class sixteen

Final examination 期末考